
The Difference Between Type 1 and Gestational Diabetes

Here are some of the signs of type 1  Halki Diabetes Remedy Review   diabetes: Extreme thirst, sugar in the urine, sweet smelling breath, frequent urination, weight loss, increase in appetite, tiredness.

Some of these symptoms can be mistaken for the flu. About 1 child an hour is diagnosed with Juvenile Diabetes. If your child shows signs of any of these symptoms you should consult your doctor before the more serious symptoms such as stupor or coma occur. Although scientists say they believe the disease is genetic the truth is that less than 15% have a first degree relative with the disease.

If your child has juvenile diabetes he should be careful of what he eats and should eat on schedule. It will benefit the entire family to follow the same diet and schedule. Those with type 1 diabetes should eat smaller and more frequent meals. They should avoid fats in the diet. Foods should not be fried; eat baked or steamed foods instead. Foods may be sauteed or pan cooked with a non-stick spray such as Pam? I know kids are crazy about ice cream but it should be limited to treats of sugar free low fat ice cream. Red meats should be limited. Intake of starchy foods such as potatoes and rice should be limited. You should use brown rice, whole grain breads, cereals and pastas. Beans should be included in the diet. Refined sugar should be avoided at all costs.
