
Chiropractors Play Important Role for Dealing With Sports Injures

If your sciatica is caused by a herniated  Mindbody Matrix Pain Relief Cream Review  disk, subluxated vertebrae, or pinched nerve, your chiropractor will recommend a course of care including spinal manipulations (also called adjustments), rehab therapies and possibly disc decompression therapy to treat the herniated disk. Spinal manipulations are a conservative, nonsurgical approach to treating sciatica resulting from a lumbar disk herniation.

In a recent study, "Manipulation or microdiskectomy for sciatica?," in the "Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics," researchers compared the effects of spinal manipulations against microdisketomy (surgical treatment) in patients with sciatica due to a herniated disk.1 The results showed that the spinal manipulations were found to be just as effective as the surgery. All study participants suffered from chronic sciatica and had not seen relief with traditional medical treatment. Sixty percent received relief from the spinal manipulations to the same degree as if they had undergone surgery warranting that spinal manipulation therapy should be considered first by patients with sciatica from LDH. 1

This study is good news for individuals suffering from sciatica from a herniated disk. Chiropractic is a natural, holistic practice, and can help many patients avoid surgery. Surgery is expensive and involves the risks associated with anesthesia, infection, and scar tissue development, which can lead to more pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic is a safe and cost-effective alternative.

