
fruits and vegetables

It is said that taking fruits in the morning more healthy than evening.
So I try to eat fruit in the morning.
Moreover I take fresh vegetables as long as I can eat every meal.
What makes me such a rule while I eat something?
It is because simply answer that I would like to get healthy body eternally.
Of course, I effot to do exercise recently.
It is too hard for me to train my body stoicity ,so I challenge the light exercise day after day.
I will keep my exercise style till I feel easy this training .
If I will be able to do exercise easily ,I am going to try to do more difficult training.
And I have to be careful not to eat too much what added trans-fat, sugar and so on.
I want to decrease TG in my body with above healthy plan.
Even if I will not become future to what I hope, more or less I am to make myself nearing by healthy body.
It is precious to continue the things which I make a decision.
Let's try anyway!
