discord と slackの違いや利点など聞いてみた


what is the difference between discord and slack? Please give me 5 pros/cons for each.


Slack and Discord are both powerful communication tools with different origins and primary use cases. Slack was initially designed for corporate and professional use, while Discord was designed with the gaming community in mind. However, both platforms have evolved and diversified to be used by a broader audience for various purposes, such as remote work, education, and social communities.

Here are 5 pros and cons for each platform:



  1. Business-oriented: Slack is built for businesses, so it includes features like advanced search, file sharing and integrations with business tools such as Google Workspace, Microsoft 365, Dropbox, and more.

  2. Robust integration: Slack supports integration with a vast array of third-party apps and services which allows teams to bring their work tools into one place.

  3. Threaded conversations: Slack allows users to create threads for discussions on specific topics, keeping the main chat less cluttered.

  4. Security: Slack offers enterprise-grade security features and compliance standards including data encryption and two-factor authentication.

  5. Advanced paid features: Slack’s paid versions offer more robust features such as group video calls, more file storage, and guest access.


  1. Limited free version: The free version of Slack has significant limitations such as a limited message history and limited integrations.

  2. Cost: For larger teams, Slack can be quite expensive as pricing is on a per-user basis.

  3. Complexity: Slack's interface and features can be complex for new users to learn and understand.

  4. Resource-intensive: Slack can consume a substantial amount of memory and CPU resources, slowing down other applications.

  5. Limited audio/video capabilities: Slack's built-in audio/video conferencing capabilities are not as robust or reliable as dedicated conferencing solutions.



  1. Free to use: Most of Discord's features, including unlimited message history and audio/video calls, are free.

  2. Voice channels: Discord’s voice channels allow users to drop in and out of voice chat while gaming, studying, or working.

  3. Community focus: Discord is great for creating and managing large communities, with tools for managing different roles and permissions.

  4. Low resource usage: Compared to Slack, Discord tends to use less system resources, making it a better choice for users with less powerful hardware.

  5. Excellent audio/video capabilities: Discord's primary design was for gamers who needed reliable and quality voice chat, which extends to their audio/video conferencing capabilities.


  1. Less professional: Discord’s gaming roots and aesthetic might not suit all professional environments.

  2. Fewer integrations: Discord has fewer integrations with third-party professional tools compared to Slack.

  3. Ads: In order to support their free service, Discord does display ads to its users.

  4. Security: While Discord has improved its security measures over time, it doesn't yet match the enterprise-grade security offered by Slack.

  5. Noise in public servers: Public servers on Discord can sometimes become overwhelmed with messages, leading to a lot of noise.

It's important to note that while Slack and Discord have their differences, the best platform depends on the specific needs and goals of your team or community.
