
Week 2 has started with pretty much same things: online training. Yea to be honest it's boring as hell. I don't really know what I am doing on these training even it's something sounds important for my future reference and work... Just there is no engaging aspect in it...!! Same as college stuff. Learning passively. It's something I value for because once you start working, it's hard to make time to be sitting and reading for the purpose of learning something new. Everything is OTJ. It has strong positive effect on learning something new, but sometimes it lacks comprehensiveness right? Books or lectures (as a whole) have everything or every basic of framework for the subject. So you will have a over view after read them all.

I complained kind a bit a lot but it's good too actually. You can be chill, don't have to be rushing. Once you are done with sitting, taking-style learning, you will be out of the inside, protected in-gage field. Yea, you've touched some looks like a battle field case study in college and, of course this current online training, but it never turned out to be as wild as an actual battle field. I will be exposed to that place soon. The actual hell. How do I prepare for it? This is my question. My answer is just being chill. There's nothing you can do. Potentially you could study and understand online training, imaging what it would be if it's real, but that's too much for me and takes forever sounds like it. 

Well it's kind of too long for just talking about Day 1 of week 2 but here's what happened on this Tuesday. Electricity cut off at my apartment. This happened early afternoon, making unable to work on trainings. I was kind of happy because, well, I was forced to stop working (although I will have to give up some time at night eventually). After shooting a guy who monitor me finishing trainings an email about this issue, I head of to the library. It's been long time to hit the library. I was kind of excited to see what has changed and what has not. I spent good study time for about 2 hours and went back to home. I saw my room was light up from the outside.

The last weekday of this week. I had a quick catch up meeting with one of Japanese Practice partner. He gave me some tips that should be very helpful. Of course I took a note and marked them using post it. These weren't really describing who or what I am supposed to be as a professional that was I thinking, but these were updated, brand-new, way-beyond tips. And of course some of them - and these were the most important - were gold basis of anything. I won't share them here. I don't want to. You can google and get something similar, but his word were now mine that now and doesn't have to be shared like your birthday gift from your parents.
