
今日の英語ニュースから [2023.01.06]

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PBS NewsHour Jan. 5, 2023
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[00:00] 冒頭のトップニュース

[02:13] 混迷続く下院議長選び

[05:25] 議会担当記者に聞く

[08:47] 今日のその他のニュース

[15:06] 飴と鞭の移民政策変更、移民救済団体責任者に聞く

[16:32] So, we're grateful to see the expanded use of humanitarian parole,[* Foreign residents with an emergency situation requiring them to travel to the U.S. may be able to enter with a form of discretionary relief called humanitarian parole. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/what-is-humanitarian-parole.html] but we can't crack

[21:00] fusion center(脅威情報の横断的共有センター)の問題点

[22:33] Fusion centers were created after the intelligence failures leading up to 9/11, designed to be a national network that could more effectively share information between federal, state and local law enforcement. [* fusion centerの Wikipediaの説明=Fusion centerIn the United States, fusion centers are designed to promote information sharing at the federal level between agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice, and state, local, and tribal law enforcement.]

[28:12]★今日のおすすめ★ 選挙結果否定派の中間選挙敗北でも残る影響、2人の研究者に聞く

[29:42] Kim, Congress recently passed reforms to the 1987 Electoral Reform Act [*この部分は言い間違い。後で訂正があるが、正しくはthe 1887 Electoral Count Act].

[30:05] the Electoral Count Act, which was the law that Trump and his associates are trying to game [* to game =to manipulate, exploit, or cheat in (a system, a situation, etc.) slyly or dishonestly for personal gain (Merriam-Webster)] by making January 6 an event where the results of the election might have been overturned.

[33:48] In fact, the worry is that what this has done now is set a new standard for what counts as not outrageous enough to not hold off this behavior. [* as outrageous-enough-to-not-hold-office behavior か?]

[34:07] So the worry is that this isn't really just about one person or isn't just about one day, January 6, but that it's something that really has become part of a culture of a whole political party in the United States, and in a two-party system that can't exactly do without one party [* and in a two-party system, you can't exactly do without one party か?].

[36:48]★今日のおすすめ★ ベネディクト16世の葬儀と遺産

[38:19] FATHER ROGER LANDRY, Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts: Catholics will say that Joseph Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, is the greatest theologian to occupy the chair of Peter [* = Chair of Saint Peter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chair_of_Saint_Peter ] here in Rome in at least 1,600 years.

[42:30] FATHER ROGER LANDRY: He was the tip of the spear [* =The foremost person or group; those on the front lines. (Wiktionary)] there, exercising a lot of the courage that he displayed in other parts of his life.

[42:56] 連邦取引委員会、競業避止義務条項禁止を提案

[42:56] AMNA NAWAZ: The Federal Trade Commission today issued a proposal banning noncompete clauses [* noncompete clause = (law) A provision within a business agreement or employment contract which stipulates that the contracting party must abstain from competitive practices not in the interests of an identified firm, such as starting a competing business or accepting a job with a competitor, and often extending for a period of time after the termination of the original employment or other business relationship. (Wiktionary) 競業避止義務条項] that prevent workers from switching employers or starting a new business.

[43:32] So, most people think of noncompetes [* noncompete = noncompete clause ] and associate them with high-paying jobs, tech workers and so on.

[47:58] Damar Hamlinの高校時代のコーチに聞く

[50:16] He just seemed to be level-headed and steady-as-she-goes. [* steady-as-she-goes =(idiomatic) steady; careful; avoiding sudden change < steady as she goes = (nautical) A cry to a helmsman to keep on the current course.(Wiktionary)]


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