
Jim Campbell

Jim Campbell was born in Chicago in 1956 and moved to San Francisco after earning degrees in Mathematics and Engineering from MIT. He transitioned from filmmaking to interactive video installations in the mid 1980s, and began using LEDs as a primary medium in 2000. His custom electronic sculptures and installations have made him a leading figure in the use of computer technology as an art form.

Campbell's work is unique in that his media and message are inseparable. He uses technologies developed for information transfer and storage to explore human perception and memory.

Campbell's work typically involves pixilated representations created with grids of LEDs, which have such low perceived resolution as to defy comprehension. Exploring the line between representation and abstraction, Campbell plumbs the human ability to interpret information and "fill in the gaps" necessary to create a complete idea. His exploration of the distinction between the analogue world and its digital representation metaphorically parallels the difference between poetic understanding or "knowledge" versus the mathematics of "data."


