
EDM Graphite Block

EDM graphite blocks are becoming more and more popular among our customers. EDM graphite is a new material. In recent years, with the development of China's industry, remarkable achievements have been made in science and technology. It has become the theme of The Times to create higher quality and lower cost in the field of precision mold industry. Therefore, it has become a new vane to look for newer graphite block material to replace copper electrodes in the industry. Therefore, the demand for EDM graphite blocks from our company is increasing in many EDM manufacturers.

EDM graphite, now more and more widely used in precision mold processing industry, more than 90% of the mold processing electrode material is graphite. Copper, once the dominant electrode material, has almost lost its advantage over graphite.
Why is that? Because of graphite materials for EDM discharge has great advantage, because the spark oil also contains C atoms, in electro discharge machining, the C atoms are in high temperature makes the spark oil decomposition, thus the surface of the graphite rod electrodes in EDM form a protective film, compensate the loss of graphite electrode, prolong the service life of the graphite electrode.
