



In 2011, Molly and Lenny started a computer software business. Molly prepared marketing materials and Lenny made sales calls. During the first year, Lenny sold 10 copies of certain software programs for $50,000 each. The business had a net profit of $480,000 and Molly and Lenny each received $240,000. 2011年、MollyとLennyは、コンピュータソフトウェアのビジネスを始めた。Mollyはマーケティング資料を作成し、Lennyはセールスコールを行った。初年度、Lennyはあるソフトウェアプログラムを10本、1本5万ドルで販売した。事業の純利益は480,000ドルで、MollyとLennyはそれぞれ240,000ドルを受け取った。【MEMO:この時点ではパートナーシップ】
In January 2012, Molly and Lenny hired an attorney to incorporate their business under the name “Software Inc.” The attorney properly prepared all necessary documents to incorporate the business but carelessly failed to file them with the Secretary of State. 2012年1月、MollyとLennyは弁護士を雇い「Software Inc.」という名前で事業を法人化した。弁護士は、法人化に必要なすべての書類を適切に作成したが、不注意でSecretary of Stateへの提出を怠った。【MEMO:事実上の会社の論点】
Lenny continued to make sales calls to sell the software. He also sold a five-year service contract developed by Molly. Due to brisk sales, Software Inc. projected income of about $300,000 per year for the next five years from the service contracts alone. Software Inc. obtained a $100,000 business loan from National Bank secured by the accounts receivable for the service contracts. レニーは、ソフトウェアを販売するためにセールスコールを続けた。また、レニーは、モリーが開発した5年間のサービス契約を販売した。販売が好調だったため、Software Inc.は、サービス契約だけで、今後5年間、年間約30万ドルの収入を見込んでいた。Software Inc.は、サービス契約の売掛金を担保に、National Bankから10万ドルのビジネスローンを組んだ。【MEMO:Bankはエストッペル論点】
In May 2012, Lenny had an automobile accident, caused solely by his own negligence, on the way to visit a prospective buyer. The accident injured a pedestrian. As a result of the accident, Lenny stopped working and sales collapsed. 2012年5月、レニーは、見込み客を訪問する途中で、自らの過失のみで自動車事故を起こした。この事故では、歩行者が負傷した。その結果、レニーは仕事をしなくなり、売上が激減した【MEMO:エストッペルは負傷者にも主張OK】
In July 2012, Software Inc. went out of business, leaving negligible assets and the unpaid loan to National Bank. 2012年7月、株式会社ソフトウェアは、わずかな資産とナショナル・バンクへの未払い貸付金を残して倒産した
1. Is Software Inc., Molly, and/or Lenny liable to the pedestrian for the injury? Discuss. 歩行者に対して傷害の責任
2. Is Software Inc., Molly, and/or Lenny liable to National Bank for the loan? Discuss. National Bankに対してローンの責任


1. Liability to the Pedestrian

Type of Entity
De Jure Corporation: A de jure corporation is one that meets all of the statutory requirements for incorporation, the effect of which will shield the shareholders from personal liability. To be a de jure corporation, the articles of incorporation must be filed before the Secretary of State.

De Facto Corporation: A de facto corporation is one that failed to become a de jure corporation due to unsuccessful effort to comply with the incorporation requirements but has all the rights and powers of a de jure corporation, thereby shielding shareholders from personal liability.

General Partnership: A GP is defined as an association of two or more persons to carry on as co-own a business for profit. There is no requirement that the parties subjectively intend to form a partnership, only that they intend to run a business for profit as co-owner. Moreover, there are no formalities required to form a GP.

SI’s Liability
Corporate Vicarious Liability: A corporation can be held vicariously liable for torts committed by its officers or agents that are within the scope of employment, even though the corporation do not authorize the tort. 

Here, Molly and Lenny were agents of SI, as they appeared to believe they had the ability to bind the corporation and they seemed to be the only two people working for it. The automobile accident that Lenny caused occurred within the scope of employment, because he was on his way to visit a prospective buyer. The purpose of the visit was not for Lenny’s personal benefit but rather for the benefit of the corporation. It was also within the scope of his employment because he was responsible for sales.



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