August 16th

I'm going to quit my job at the end of this month.  I feel I'm getting better with both physically and mentally. 

The worst thing I experienced while I was working at the hospital was that I got corona vaccine.  I still feel really scary about it even now.  I don't think that corona vaccine had been gone through enough clinical trials, (of course it's just my opinion.)  You never know the vaccine will not cause cancer in decades.  I am still worried that I might get cancer in 10 years.  Nobody knows what happens in 10 years after vaccinated. 

When my colleagues got vaccinated, they were almost the first group in Japan.  We were the first ones because we needed to be protected.  We have a lot of contact with the patients.  I think the government also had another reason, they wanted to see what happens to our body after vaccinated.  We were like an experimental rat.  

I told my boss that I don't want to be vaccinated.  She allowed me not to accept the vaccination, but my new boss didn't.  My new boss asked me "Why" I don't want to.  I could not say that "I was just scared," because I was already scared by her.  She would not admit that she scared me but I was scared.  That is why I was vaccinated.  

If I get cancer at my young age, I can do nothing.  I'm just going to follow the destiny, because the destiny made me become a nurse and made me get scary vaccine.  This all happened by destiny. 
