spontaneous writing [20220826]

Last week my boss at my new job asked me what I do for my free time.  He works for a publisher which works on books about medicine.  I used to work there when I was a nursing student.  This time I was looking for a job, so I contacted my previous boss at the publisher and asked him to hire me again.  Luckily he accepted me.  

I answered his question that I just read books or watch Stranger Things.  I already finished watching Stranger Things last month but nothing else came up with me so I just said so.  Actually I have only limited things to do for my free time.  I think people usually watch anime, movies, read manga, or play games for their free time, but I don't do any of them.  I don't usually watch anime because I kind of don't like the voice of the voice actors.  It's unnatural.  Recently one of my friends recommended me Evangelion so I watched it but I didn't really like it.  (Maybe I'll write about it sometime.)  I don't like watching movies because it's painful for me to keep sitting down for 2 hours and not move at all.  I have never read manga.  It's true.  It's because I'm bad at recognizing 2D things as 3D.  I mean that things drawn on manga doesn't make sense for me unfortunately.  I also don't play games because I am not good at it.  I do watch TV, so that's good.  

Reading is almost my only thing I can do for my free time.  So I have always tried to read as many books as possible.  When I was at high school, every one at my school liked reading and they always told me about interesting books.  But when I was at a nursing faculty, hardly no one liked reading.  I was so sad because it was like I came to a wrong place, so I started to post on instagram about what I read and what I thought about it.  I started it to let my friends know that I like reading so that somebody who likes reading would talk to me and be reading-friends.  It did work actually.  Sometimes my friends tell me about interesting books and some of them ask me to rent them a book.  

I have plenty of time after I took off from the work, so I started reading a lot of books.  My concentration skills are terrible so that I can't even keep sitting down for a movie, so I came up with a good way to keep reading.  You just read 10% of the whole book, take a rest and repeat it.  If it works well, you can read half of a book in a day.  I have read a couple of books in this way, and now I feel like reading one book deeply by taking time.  I mean that I don't want to read a lot of books but I want to read one good book and remember it well.  I started to think like that because I hardly remember anything about the books I have read.  

I think it's good that I think that I want to remember the content of the book even after I finish reading it.  That means I have encountered good books thanks to my friends.

One of my friends make power-point of each book she has read.  I think it's such a good way.  Maybe I should write about what I read in this diary.  
