BBTAG Character Overview (made by Bojack) 日本語文字起こし:Blazblueシリーズ編



hey there this video will cover a basic idea of what a character's play style is and some strengths and unique aspects of that character. i'll also be recommending teams that will either see common play or very strong synergy in case that you want to focus on enabling your favorite characters. i'll also be naming some players you should be looking out for when studying
a character. i won't be linking to all their social medias however i will have a BBTAG discord in the description where hopefully you can find great research for your specific character.


disclaimer that i'll definitely mispronounce players names that time so sorry about that. there are also some unpopular characters in this version or some players may have moved on to new characters but their old footage is still a great place to start. i should also note that not every player will be named typically only have two to three players so if you are not named please do not tweet at me with all that being said let's begin the video.



for the Blazblue cast most of the characters will have access to a drive which is a unique tool or technique to define their game plan such as life steal or random items.



Ragna is a standard shooter(shoto?) style character with strong neutral game and great pressure options. he's a jack of all trades meaning his tools can be
adjusted to answer most any situation. his drive is a lifesteal mechanic and
can help brag to make big health swings and make a big comeback off of that. if you're looking to play a strong grog in a team look towards hyde, batista and yumi. players to watch will you elyon lord joseph, dong and YoFavScrub.

ラグナは五分状況で強力な選択肢を持ち、素晴らしいプレッシャーを与える手段を持つ、標準的なキャラクターです。彼は器用万能であり、ほぼ全ての状況に対応できるよう動きの修正ができるツールを持ちます。彼のドライブ能力はライフスティールであり、体力の大量回復や逆転能力を誇ります。もし強いタッグシナジーを以て動かしたいのであれば、ハイドやバティスタ、雪泉が良いでしょう。代表的なプレイヤーはElyon, Load Joseph, YoFavScrubです。


jin is a shoto style character who's more support oriented while having strong neutral options in meter game. his forward assist is very good for aiding the point in neutral and in pressure and his back assist is a fantastic anti-air
tool. his neutral game is solid with the axis of jb and 5b and when he has meter available you must be ready to deal with a reactionary toga that can snipe you from across screen. teams i can recommend are susano'o, yumi
and carmine. when learning jin i advise you to watch fame, kosei and Ekodge.



noel is a rush down character with strong anti-zoning options and has a strong gimmick due to her drive chain revolver allows for various mix-up options while having different infill properties on each move. so it can reward
good reads on the opponent's defense. her rage is the greatest however using her drive to maneuver through neutral into a strong mix-up option is going to be one of her strengths. teams to help noel are yumi ,Es and vatista. players to observe are behind ultimox and flan boguard.

ノエルはラッシュダウンタイプのキャラクターで、強力な反ゾーニングの選択肢を持ち、多様な崩しを与え、技ごとに異なる性質を持つ彼女のリボルバーチェインが強力なギミックを生み出します。相手の防御を読むことがリターンに繋がります。彼女の攻めは強烈ですが、ニュートラルから崩しの択を仕掛けるためにリボルバーチェインを使うのは彼女の強みと言えるでしょう。ノエルを助ける相方としては雪泉、Es、バティスタが該当します。UltimoxやFlan Boguardは見ておくべきプレイヤーです。


rachel is a hybrid between his zoner and a heavy mix-up character. she uses her wind drive to create space and establish lobelia before going right in and rush down to create some insane pressure and mix-up. she's very powerful character this version with insane versatility and incredibly dangerous 4p. i recommend partnering her with ruby susano'o or hyde. when learning her i can recommend studying diddly, lunacena and domi's gameplay.

レイチェルはゾーナーと強力な崩しを持つハイブリッドなキャラクターです。彼女のドライブ能力であるシルフィードは空間を作り、また接近する前にロベリアを設置し、怒涛の攻めとプレッシャー、崩しを作り出します。Ver.2.0において彼女は大変強力なキャラクターで、汎用性が高く大変危険な4Pを持ちます。オススメのパートナーはルビー、スサノオ、ハイドです。彼女を学ぶなら、Diddly, Lunacena, ドミーのゲームプレイをお勧めします。


tager is one of BBTAG's prime grapplers using his drive magnetism he is able to bring his opponents towards him to force mix up or command throws. strong tiger players will be able to set up for strong magnetism mix-ups and force you to guess until the end of a set. when looking to maximize the mix-up i can slightly only recommend waldstein for his partner. players to look out for are koji kog isoropia and jan.

テイガーはBBTAGにおける投げキャラの代表格の一人です。彼のドライブである磁力を使うことで相手を引き寄せ、崩しやコマンド投げを行えます。強いテイガー使いは磁力を用いた強力な崩しのためのセットアップをやってくるでしょう。それはゲームが終わるまであなたに読みを要求します。最大限崩しを活かしたいのであれば、ワレンシュタインを推奨します。見るべきプレイヤーはKoji KOG,Isoropia,Janです。


hakuman is a high damage counter style character who can turn opponents
momentum into their downfall. he's a very slow character and this would normally be a problem against zoners however his ability to slash projectiles and create from fuumajin will allow him to control the neutral at times. his drive also allows him to cancel specials into other specials at the cost of one bar. teams that benefit hakuman the most are carmine naotokurogane and akihiko. awkward players i can recommend watch are 24ban, razzo and fame.



nu is a high mobility zoner and control the match through her projectiles. her drive is going to be her projectiles and when used properly can create sandwich situations very easily by using the four movement option or keep the opponent guessing from far from staggered pressure. teams and players who can utilize their assists, strong mobility and unique playstyle can be very dangerous. teams that allow for this are naotokurogane vatista and Nine. players to watch out for LLon Uri and dora bang.

ニューは高い機動力を持つゾーナーで、飛び道具を用いて試合をコントロールします。彼女のドライブ能力はその飛び道具になりますが、適切に使った時は4つの動きのオプションや、遠く離れてプランを考え直す時間を与えるのを防ぎ、挟み込みの状況を簡単に作ることができます。アシストや機動力、ドライブ能力を活用できるプレイヤーやチームは非常に危険なものになります。これを可能にする相方は黒ナオト、バティスタ、ナインになります。見るべきプレイヤーはLLon,Uri,Dora Bangになります。


hazama is an interesting hit-and-run style character. his drive, ouroboros allows him to chain in and out of combat and keep the opponent guessing on his approach option. strong destroyance(?) combined with this air movement is a deadly combination. teams that allow for this combination are yosuke yumi and carmine. players to take notes from would be vivian tetoraibu and that scrubdavid.



makoto is a fast brawler character whose 5a is a great poke and leads to some solid damage. her drive impact allows you to charge specific moves which will increase the startup time but add more hit stun or block stun to the opponent. her assists are fairly weak so you really want a use her on point for most of your match. team support mokoto and can utilize her assists are mai, seth and ruby. players to watch out for are going to be stone and OmniScythe.



Platinum the Trinity is a mix-up of decent rush down and zoding tools. her drive allows for her forward and back assist to be randomized between six total different assists. when playing platinum situational awareness of her assists and knowing how to use swallow moon are going to be key. teams that enable plat are going to be naoto shirogane, vatista and carmine. players to look out for while learning her would be shadow teddy gunshi and alani.



Izayoi is a rush down character whose unique air dash allows for great mix up. her drive is going to be this unique movement which allows her to teleport to mix up the opponent and continue combos. strong Izayoi players will get the hit and force incredibly oppressive offense when given the chance. teams that allow for her to force the mix are batista orie and Nine. players to highlight that would be shige fulman and gedo.



azrael is a brawler character whose unique teleport dash allows him to mix he opponent up. azrael's drive is a hit just frame system that allows for many of his moves to change property on hit. his solo damage is incredibly high andone misplay can lead to the death of a character. teams to really highlight azrael are going to be adachi yumi and akihiko. players to learn from would be neo guranzon, dark necro and myself.

アズラエルは相手を崩すのに役立つテレポートダッシュを持った格闘系のキャラクターです。彼のドライブ能力はヒット時にタイミングよくボタンを押すことで発動し、ヒット時の性質が多くの技で変わります。単体火力も申し分なく、相手の一回のミスプレイでキャラをダウンさせることもできます。アズラエルと相性のいいパートナーは足立、雪泉、明彦です。学ぶのに良いプレイヤーは、ねおぐらんぞん,Dark Necro,そして私(Bojack)です。


celica is a mid-range character with some solid mix-up options. her drive will strengthen some of her specials when she has no red life meaning no chip damage. be careful when blocking her because she is able to set up strong sandwich situations with the right partner very easily. partners to look out for are going to be Naoto Kurogane, seth and ruby. when learning celica please refer to unsafe on hit, Rhyllis and shige's gameplay.



nine is a oppressive mid-range zoner character who could turn almost any hit into an incredibly deadly mix-up. her drive allows for her to use various spells as her spell gauge increases between three total levels. mastering her spell gauge and unique teleports will lead to some insane offense. teams to be looking out for would be Yu, seth and jubei. players to learn from are going to be Uri, kaoruko and daze.



Naoto Kurogane is a rush down brawler with insane damage and gap closing capabilities. his drive blood edge allows for some of his normals to be charged to increase damage and range. he can also buffer dash for some of his specials to create enhanced versions. characters that give naoto the most support this version will be yumi, naoto shirogane and merkava. players to look out for are going to be ltl, unsafe on hit and stray wolf.



susanoo is a mid-range brawler character with explosive damage. his stagger pressure is insane and bears high reward for players that catch their opponent out while using it. he's one of the few characters with both styles of unblockable setups in this game being command throw and hi-low. some teams that lead to this destruction will be jin, yu and adachi. players to watch out for our fame and shiga(sh).



Es is a mid-range focused character with a good mix of rush down and zoning. her drive allows for after images of crest of form which allow for good combos and active switch options. her access to universal instant overhead makes her mix-up deadly at times. teams that highlights are going to be carmine, Yu and ruby .players to watch are Tectaleastside nanoha sensei and tempestNYC.



mai is a mid-range character with long-range normals and high priority. her unique flips in command dash allow for her to close the gap and stall on the air at times. her drive allows her to throw her spear which can be redirected or charged to add additional knockback and damage. characters to help her shine are yumi, Naoto shirogane and akihiko. players to watch are stone omniscythe and nezu.



jubei is extremely mobile character with great damage. he often uses his specials or low profile forward dash to close the gap to either get some great damage or mix of game going. his shinranui have three different travel patterns and with an assist can be incredibly oppressive and neutral. characters that let the cat rock are nine, mitsuru and carmine. players to learn from are elyon, wing-sensei and kiyomi.



