BBTAG Character Overview (made by Bojack) 日本語文字起こし:UNIシリーズ編



looking at the under-night cast their general trait will be their unique air dash as well as the ability to re-beat their buttons with minor exception. they also have unique traits that will change their general gameplay or game plan.



hyde is a shoto style character who specializes in block pressure and
neutral. he's a very versatile tool kit and insane support value. his unique trait allows for increased chip damage from sword normals. leading to long block strings and using his rebeats and pressure can become incredibly deadly for the opponent. partners to join hyde would be yu, seth and linne. players to watch will be omnix nanashi and dante thomas.

ハイドはガード時のプレッシャーとニュートラルに長けたShoto(道着)系のキャラクターです。彼は柔軟性の高い手段と後衛での強力なサポート力を持ちます彼のEXSは剣を使った通常技に削り能力を付与するものです。相手をガードさせ続け、リバースビートを用いた固め直し、そのプレッシャーは相手にとって致命的となりえます。悠、セト、リンネがオススメのパートナーです。Omnix,ナナシ,Dante Thomasが見るべきプレイヤーです。


linne is an incredibly fast mid-range rush down character with exceptional neutral. her ability to sandwich using her role and control the screen with kuuga's and 5b is incredibly strong. her unique trait will allow her to dash cancel specific moves and gain access to a third jump. players that can enable teams that can enable linne are hyde, Es and wald. players to watch will be omnix, natashi and TempestNYC.



wald is the grappler of the UNI's cast while having fantastic normals and
neutral to go with it. his large 20k health pool and fantastic assists allow him to support his point and force big health swings with his rps. his unique trait actually allows him to nullify projectiles using his claw attacks. characters who synergize with waldstein are tager, akihiko and linne. players to watch will be
isorropia, kojikog and jan.

ワレンシュタインはUNIシリーズでの投げキャラです。投げキャラでありながら素晴らしい通常技を持ち、それを用いたニュートラルも良好です。2万の高体力と素晴らしいアシストがあるため、前衛のサポートも、コマンド投げによる体力差逆転も可能です。彼のEXSは爪による攻撃で飛び道具を無効化できる能力です。シナジーを持つパートナーはテイガー、明彦、リンネです。プレイヤーはIsorropia,Koji KOG,Janがお勧めです。


carmine is a mid-range beast who deals insane damage. he has great pressure and can swing a match very quickly when given the chance. his specials will activate these puddles into various moves. however, this all costs various amounts of red life to set up and to activate. all of which can be regene via his throw or 5a auto combo ender. teams that allow for carmine to shine
will be yang vatista and mika. players to watch out for will be noble, Tempest NYC and StrayWolf.



Orie is a mid-range rapier character who uses her speed and normals to control the neutral game. once she gets in, she can use her unreactable high-low mix up along with an assist to force a great situation. her trait will be her thanatos which is a stand like summon that she could use for some of her moves. unlike persona characters, her thanatos cannot be broken. characters that synergize with Orie will be yu, weiss and izayoi. players to learn from will be shige, hien and lotad.



Gordeau is a mid to close range specialist who has very huge normals
that are very dangerous to with. he's solid as a point character but his
assists are some of the best in the game and really allow him to shine. his unique trait goes to moves that use his claws which allow him to steal meter from the opponent. gordeau teams that synergize with each other are going to be ruby azrael and yu. players to watch and learn from are gears, hide and gedo.



merkava is a unique mid to close range character with some unique movement options to go with it. many of his combos are incredibly burst-safe due to jump cancels and his normals are massive. his trait replaces his double jump with a flight which could then go into glide for great approach or mix-up options. strong merkava partners will go to chie, hakuman and naoto
shirogane. players to watch while learning merkava are dora bang, razzo
and kaoruko.

メルカヴァは独特なミッドレンジ~接近戦を行うキャラクターで、特徴的な動きの手段を持ちます。彼のコンボの多くはジャンプキャンセルの柔軟性からクロスバーストに対して耐性を持ち、また彼の通常技は巨大です。彼のFLSは2段ジャンプの代わりに滞空・滑空を可能にし、これは接近手段として、または崩しの手段として役に立ちます。メルカヴァのパートナーとなるのは千枝、ハクメン、白ナオトになります。見るべきプレイヤーははDora Bang,Razzo,Kaorukoになります。


vatista is a zoning character with strong buttons and neutral game. her assist
are fantastic for supporting her partner and jc is a great mix-up option to tie
into her general game plan. her unique trait makes it impossible for her to be counter-hit. partner who enjoyed the robots company are carmine chie and rachel. players to watch are will be nkp noble and LLon.



seth is a speedy mix up heavy glass cannon character with some insane neutral tools. his access to 214c allows him to close the gap quickly to not only force a turn or mix up and neutral but could punish many moves when
it are commonly not punishable at longer distances. his ability to set up orbs can leverage neutral in his favor or force the opponent to make risky actions. characters to partner with the assassin will be yumi, hyde and nine. players to observe will be zombie kubo and daze.



yuzu is a mid to long range character who uses her katana to strike from a
distance. her ability to teleport leading to cross-up non-cross-up situations while utilizing an assist is very key to her game plan. her unique trait allows her to go into a stance which will speed up some of her slashes. while remaining neutral she will also dodge projectile based moves. partners yuzu enjoys are mitsuru hilda and akihiko. players to watch will be geroshabu, pizamayo and YoGameWizard.



hilda is a zoner with giant normals and full screen mix-up options. she doesn't do much damage however ability to keep the opponent out and force them to make a move is incredibly solid. she has some really good assists and teams who can abuse her support value can be very threatening. teams that do just that are yuzu, teddy and seth. players to watch out for are pizamayo, surumaiden and Marvin Pie.

ヒルダは巨大な通常技と全画面が範囲となる崩しの手段を持つゾーナーです。火力を出すことは難しいのですが、相手を引かせ続け、常に動きを要求する能力に非常に優れています。アシストも非常に強力で、これを悪用できるタッグは驚異的なものとなります。アシストを悪用できるキャラはユズリハ、クマ、セトになります。注目プレイヤーはピザマヨ、するめ、Marvin Pieになります。


mika is a grappler character with fantastic movement and neutral. her mika missiles can be used to deal his owners and mix up. she also has access to charge jb which provides a gigantic hitbox which is hard to deal with at times. characters who synergize with her are carmine susano'o and waldstein. players to watch out for are tempestNYC, bace and brimner.



