How VirVox Project decided to produce "A.I. VOICE Aoyama Ryusei"

Hello, this is VirVox Project.
We would like to explain why we have decided to create an A.I.VOICE when there is already a VOICEVOX library.

Firstly, while VOICEVOX uses Deep Learning synthesis, A.I.VOICE uses concatenative (waveform) synthesis.
This makes it very robust for synthesizing any sound and suitable for a wide range of usage cases.
Also, since it has a slightly robotic feel to it, it's easy for conventional speech synthesis users to get used to and will easily sound good when used with other existing characters.
We believe that A.I.VOICE Junior Aoyama Ryuusei is a voice type that has never existed on AITalk before, so we hope that you will enjoy it in many ways.

In addition to this, there have been requests from fans of VirVox Project and VOICEVOX Aoyama Ryuusei who have wished for Ryuusei to sing for some time.
It's our personal opinion that the AITalk engine is strong for its ability to vary between realism and roboticism, and that "Singing A.I.VOICE" takes advantage of these charms.
Another motivation for doing this is that we are curious how a Singing A.I.VOICE with Ryuusei's distinctive voice and tone would sound.

Finally, VirVox Project experienced some issues in the early stages of its activities which affected its credibility. In order to clear our name a bit from that time, we decided it would be best to heal any damage from the commercial voice situation by finally creating a commercial voice.
Therefore, we contacted AI Inc., and after a friendly consultation we decided to produce an A.I.VOICE.

Regarding VOICEVOX, we will continue to add new characters and Emotions to our voices. We hope you'll enjoy those as well.

We would like to thank Hiho and everyone involved with VOICEVOX, as well as those who have kept supporting us, for making it possible for VirVox Project to reach this point where we can deliver VirVox characters' libraries to VirVox's fans, and have creators produce content with them. Thank you very much for your continued support.

Although there may be many things we still haven't been able to accomplish, we'll aim for even greater things in the future.
Thank you very much for your continued support of VirVox Project.
