

まずESP32をarduino開発環境で開発できるように準備。インストール、”arduino”をインストール後、arduino IDEのボードマネージャーでESP32を追加します。

サンプルコード(BLE_client)を基にUUID等を変更して接続すると、Stack Over Flowでリブートしてしまったのでリブートする部分を探していくと、ESP32ライブラリの"BLERemoteService.ccp"の下記の部分を変更するとリブートせずに動作してくれることが判りました。
C:\Users\use_ID\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\1.0.2\libraries\BLE\src にある、BLERemoteService.ccp の159 行目からの下記のuint16_t count = 10を1修正します。


void BLERemoteService::retrieveCharacteristics() {
    log_v(">> getCharacteristics() for service: %s", getUUID().toString().c_str());
    removeCharacteristics(); // Forget any previous characteristics.
    uint16_t offset = 0;
    esp_gattc_char_elem_t result;
    while (true) {
        uint16_t count = 10; // this value is used as in parameter-----------uint16_t count = 1; // this value is used as in parameter-----------



This program is created based on BLE_client.ino (1.0.2).
toio Core CUBE control program
programed by H.Niikura 2019
“toio(TM)” is a registered trademark or trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

Rev.0.5  The following changes are required in BLERemoteService.ccp.
         line 167: uint16_t count = 10; --> uint16_t count = 1; 

#include "BLEDevice.h"
//#include "BLEScan.h"

// The service of toio CUBE.
static BLEUUID serviceUUID("10b20100-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efcd7bbae");    // toio Core CUBE Service UUID
// The characteristic of toio CUBE.
static BLEUUID charUUID_ID("10b20101-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efcd7bbae");    // ID Information Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_MO("10B20102-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efCD7BBAE");    // Motor Control Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_LC("10B20103-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efCD7BBAE");    // Light Control Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_SC("10B20104-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efCD7BBAE");    // Sound Control Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_SI("10B20106-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3efCD7BBAE");    // Sensor Information Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_BU("10B20107-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3EFCD7BBAE");    // Button Information Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_BT("10B20108-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3EFCD7BBAE");    // Battery Information Characteristics UUID
static BLEUUID charUUID_CO("10B201FF-5b3b-4571-9508-cf3EFCD7BBAE");    // Configuration Characteristics UUID

// キャラクタリスティックを格納する配列のINDEX -------------
#define ID_INFO     0     // ID読み取り
#define MOTOR_CONT  1     //  モータコントロール
#define LIGHT_CONT  2     // ライトコントロール
#define SOUND_CONT  3     // サウンドコントロール
#define SENSOR_INFO 4     // センサー読み取り
#define BUTTON_INFO 5     // ボタン読み取り
#define BATT_INFO   6     // バッテリー残量読み取り
#define CONFIG_INFO 7     // コンフィグレーション

#define NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE 2 // CUBEの最大接続数

static boolean doConnect = false;
static boolean connected = false;
static boolean doScan = false;
static BLERemoteCharacteristic* pRemoteCharacteristic[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ][ 8 ];
static BLEAdvertisedDevice* myDevice[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
static uint16_t pRemotteHandler[8];

// Cube Notify data-------------------------
// ID Position value
static int id_pos_x[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
static int id_pos_y[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
static int id_pos_a[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
// Standard ID
static long StdID[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
static long actID[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
// Button
static int button_status[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
// Sensor
static int sensor_flat[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
static int collision[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
//Remaining battery capacity
static int batt_rem[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
// flages
bool f_get_stndard_ID[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
bool f_get_position_ID[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
bool f_ID_missed[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
bool f_get_sensor[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
bool f_get_button[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];
// state
int cube_speed[ NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ];

// Serial port  
int RxBUFF_MAX = 128;
String Rxbuff[ 2 ];
int  RxCount=0;
int  Rxdata=0;

int cube_index = 0;

// BLE Notify Call Back read / Notifyを指定したキャラクタリスティックスを受信する部分
static void notifyCallback_0(
 BLERemoteCharacteristic* pBLERemoteCharacteristic,
 uint8_t* pData,
 size_t length,
 bool isNotify){
   int i;
   uint16_t hnd = pBLERemoteCharacteristic->getHandle(); 
   notifyRecive( 0, hnd, pData, length );

static void notifyCallback_1(
 BLERemoteCharacteristic* pBLERemoteCharacteristic,
 uint8_t* pData,
 size_t length,
 bool isNotify){
   int i;
   uint16_t hnd = pBLERemoteCharacteristic->getHandle(); 
   notifyRecive( 1, hnd, pData, length );

static void notifyRecive( int cid, uint16_t hnd, uint8_t* pData, size_t length ){
 int i;
   if( hnd == pRemotteHandler[ID_INFO] ){
     // Position ID 
     if( pData[0]==0x01 ){
       id_pos_x[cid] = (int)pData[1] + (int)pData[2]*256;
       id_pos_y[cid] = (int)pData[3] + (int)pData[4]*256;   
       id_pos_a[cid] = (int)pData[5] + (int)pData[6]*256;    
       f_get_position_ID[cid] = true;  
       f_get_stndard_ID[cid] = false;
       actID[cid] = -1;
       Serial.printf("Cno=%2d:X=%5d, Y=%5d, A=%5d\n", cid, id_pos_x[cid], id_pos_y[cid], id_pos_a[cid]);     
     // Standard ID
     if( pData[0]==0x02 ){
       StdID[cid] =  (long)pData[1] + (long)pData[2]*256 *  (long)pData[3]*65536 + (long)pData[4]*16777216;
       id_pos_a[cid] = (int)pData[5] + (int)pData[6]*256;
       f_get_stndard_ID[cid] = true;  
       Serial.printf("Cno %2d:Standard ID=%ld A=%5d\n", cid, StdID[cid], id_pos_a[cid]);        
     // ID Missed
     if( pData[0]==0x03 ){
       f_ID_missed[cid] = true;
       Serial.printf("Cno %2d:ID Missed!!\n", cid);          
   //** Button infomation **
   }else if( hnd == pRemotteHandler[BUTTON_INFO]){      
     if( pData[0]==0x01){
       button_status[cid] = (int)pData[1];
       f_get_button[cid] = true;
       Serial.printf("Cno %2d:Button:%d\n ", cid, button_status[cid]);      
   //** Battery infomation **
   }else if( hnd == pRemotteHandler[BATT_INFO]){      
     batt_rem[cid] = (int)pData[0];
     Serial.printf("Cno %2d:Battery=%3d%%\n", cid, batt_rem[cid]);
   //** Sensor information ** 
   }else if( hnd == pRemotteHandler[SENSOR_INFO]){
     if( pData[0]==0x01){
       sensor_flat[cid] =  (int)pData[1];
       collision[cid] =  (int)pData[2];
       f_get_sensor[cid] = true;
       Serial.printf("Cno %2d:Flat:%d Collision:%d\n ", cid, sensor_flat[cid], collision[cid]);      
     Serial.printf("Handle: %02d ", hnd);
     Serial.print("data: ");
     for( i=0 ; i<(int)length ; i++ ){
       Serial.printf("%02x ", pData[i]);

class MyClientCallback : public BLEClientCallbacks {
 void onConnect(BLEClient* pclient) {
   Serial.println("**** onConnect ****");    

 void onDisconnect(BLEClient* pclient) {
   connected = false;
bool connectToServer( int n ) {
   BLEClient*  pClient  = BLEDevice::createClient();   

   pClient->setClientCallbacks(new MyClientCallback());

   // Connect to the remove BLE Server.
   pClient->connect(myDevice[n]);  // if you pass BLEAdvertisedDevice instead of address, it will be recognized type of peer device address (public or private)

   // Obtain a reference to the service we are after in the remote BLE server.
   BLERemoteService* pRemoteService = pClient->getService(serviceUUID);
   if (pRemoteService == nullptr) {
     Serial.print("Failed to find our service UUID: ");
     return false;
   Serial.printf(" -Connect CUBE-%d\n", n );    

   // Obtain a reference to the characteristic in the service of the remote BLE server.    
   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][ID_INFO] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_ID);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][ID_INFO] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; } 
   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][MOTOR_CONT] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_MO);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][MOTOR_CONT] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }

   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][LIGHT_CONT] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_LC);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][LIGHT_CONT] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }

   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SOUND_CONT] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_SC);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SOUND_CONT] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }  

   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SENSOR_INFO] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_SI);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SENSOR_INFO] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }   

   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BUTTON_INFO] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_BU);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BUTTON_INFO] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }   

   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BATT_INFO] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_BT);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BATT_INFO] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }
   pRemoteCharacteristic[n][CONFIG_INFO] = pRemoteService->getCharacteristic(charUUID_CO);
   if (pRemoteCharacteristic[n][CONFIG_INFO] == nullptr) { pClient->disconnect(); return false; }

   // Set handler for notitycation
   pRemotteHandler[ID_INFO] = pRemoteCharacteristic[n][ID_INFO]->getHandle();
   pRemotteHandler[SENSOR_INFO] = pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SENSOR_INFO]->getHandle();
   pRemotteHandler[BUTTON_INFO] = pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BUTTON_INFO]->getHandle(); 
   pRemotteHandler[BATT_INFO] = pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BATT_INFO]->getHandle();        
   pRemotteHandler[CONFIG_INFO] = pRemoteCharacteristic[n][CONFIG_INFO]->getHandle(); 

   // Notify Start 
       case 0:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][ID_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_0);break;
       case 1:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][ID_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_1);break;     
       case 0:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BUTTON_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_0);break;
       case 1:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BUTTON_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_1);break;               
       case 0:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SENSOR_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_0);break;
       case 1:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SENSOR_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_1);break;       
       case 0:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BATT_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_0);break;
       case 1:pRemoteCharacteristic[n][BATT_INFO]->registerForNotify(notifyCallback_1);break;               
   connected = true;
* Scan for BLE servers and find the first one that advertises the service we are looking for.
* アドバタイズデータの表示
class MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks: public BLEAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks {
  * Called for each advertising BLE server.
 void onResult(BLEAdvertisedDevice advertisedDevice) {
   int rssi = advertisedDevice.getRSSI();  //RSSIの取得
   if( rssi > -60 ){                       //RSSIが大きいもののみ表示する
     Serial.printf(">>>: RSSI=%d : %s\n",rssi, advertisedDevice.toString().c_str() );
   // We have found a device, let us now see if it contains the service we are looking for.
   // 指定のServiceUUIDの場合、コネクトする
   if (advertisedDevice.haveServiceUUID() && advertisedDevice.isAdvertisingService(serviceUUID)) {
     if( advertisedDevice.getRSSI() > -60  ){ // <===== 
       if( cube_index < NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ){
         Serial.printf("Find toio Cube!! %d\n", cube_index);
         myDevice[ cube_index ] = new BLEAdvertisedDevice(advertisedDevice);

       if( cube_index >= NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ){
         doConnect = true;
         doScan = true;

   } // Found our server
 } // onResult
}; // MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks

// 初期化 ****************************************************************************************
void setup() {
 Serial.println("Starting CUBE control application...");

 // Retrieve a Scanner and set the callback we want to use to be informed when we
 // have detected a new device.  Specify that we want active scanning and start the
 // scan to run for 5 seconds.
 BLEScan* pBLEScan = BLEDevice::getScan();
 pBLEScan->setAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks(new MyAdvertisedDeviceCallbacks());
 pBLEScan->start(60, false);

 int n;

 for( n=0 ; n<NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ; n++){
   id_pos_x[ n ] =0;
   id_pos_y[ n ] =0;
   id_pos_a[ n ] =0;
   StdID[ n ] = 0;
   actID[ n ] = -1;
   button_status[ n ] = 0;
   sensor_flat[ n ] = 0;
   collision[ n ] =0;
   batt_rem[ n ] = 0;
   f_get_stndard_ID[ n ] =false;
   f_get_position_ID[ n ] = false;
   f_ID_missed[ n ] = true;
   f_get_sensor[ n ] = false;
   f_get_button[ n ] = false;  
   Cube_state[ n ] = CUBE_STOP;
   cube_speed[ n ] = 30;
} // End of setup.

// This is the Arduino main loop function.=========================================================
void loop() {
 int m;
 // If the flag "doConnect" is true then we have scanned for and found the desired
 // BLE Server with which we wish to connect.  Now we connect to it.  Once we are 
 // connected we set the connected flag to be true.
 if (doConnect == true) {
   for( m=0 ; m<NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE ; m++ ){
     Serial.printf("Try to Connect CUBE %d\n", m);
     if (connectToServer( m )) {
       Serial.printf("CUBE %d Connection OK\n",m);
     } else {
       Serial.printf("CUBE %d can't connect\n",m);
   doConnect = false;

 // Recive Serial port
 Rxdata =;       // Recive Command via serial port(USB)
 if( Rxdata != -1 ){
   ReciveData( Rxdata, 0 ); 
 // If we are connected to a peer BLE Server, update the characteristic each time we are reached
 // with the current time since boot.
 if (connected) {
   //String newValue = "Time since boot: " + String(millis()/1000);
   //Serial.println("Setting new characteristic value to \"" + newValue + "\"");

   // Set the characteristic's value to be the array of bytes that is actually a string.
   //pRemoteCharacteristic->writeValue(newValue.c_str(), newValue.length());
   //byte comm[] = {01,01,01,0x0b,0x02,0x02,0x0b};    
   //pRemoteCharacteristic[MOTOR_CONT]->writeValue(comm, 7);
 }else if(doScan){
   BLEDevice::getScan()->start(0);  // this is just eample to start scan after disconnect, most likely there is better way to do it in arduino
} // End of loop===================================================================================

//Error code
#define UNDEFINED_COMMAND           -1
#define TOO_MUCH_RANGE_OF_DATA      -4
#define PARAMETER_OUT_OF_RANGE      -5

// Commandsの定義
#define MOTOR_SET_VALUE           "MOSV"  // MOSV,(Cube no),(方向1),(速度1),(方向2),(速度2)
#define LED_SET_VALUE             "LESV"  // LESV,(Cube no),(Red),(Green),(Blue)  
#define SOUND_SET_VALUE           "SOSV"  // SOSV,(Cube no),(再生時間),(notr number),(音量)

// ***************************************************************************************
//  受信コマンドの解析
// d: recived charcter, cp: Rxbuff number / Rxbuff[0]:serial port,Rxbuff[1]:bluetooth SPP

String cmds[6] = {"\0"}; // 分割された文字列を格納する配列 

void ReciveData( int d, int cp ){
 int rs = UNDEFINED_COMMAND;  // Variable indicating execution result. 
 if( d == '\n' || d == '\r'){  
   int index = split( Rxbuff[ cp ], ',' , cmds ); 

   if( cmds[0]==MOTOR_SET_VALUE  && connected ) { rs = MotorSetValue( cmds[1].toInt(), cmds[2].toInt(), cmds[3].toInt(), cmds[4].toInt(), cmds[5].toInt() );  }
   if( cmds[0]==LED_SET_VALUE    && connected ) { rs = LEDSetValue( cmds[1].toInt(), cmds[2].toInt(), cmds[3].toInt(), cmds[4].toInt() );  }    
   if( cmds[0]==SOUND_SET_VALUE  && connected ) { rs = SoundSetValue( cmds[1].toInt(), cmds[2].toInt(), cmds[3].toInt(), cmds[4].toInt() );  }    

   Rxbuff[ cp] ="";  
   if( rs > 0 ){
     Serial.println("ERROR "+String(rs,DEC)+"\r\n");
   Rxbuff[cp] = Rxbuff[cp]+(char)d;  
int split(String data, char delimiter, String *dst){
   int index = 0;
   int arraySize = (sizeof(data)/sizeof((data)[0]));
   int datalength = data.length();
   for (int i = 0; i <datalength; i++) {
     char tmp = data.charAt(i);
     if ( tmp == delimiter ) {
         if ( index > (arraySize - 1)) return -1;
     else dst[index] += tmp;
   return (index + 1);

//Motor Set Value
int MotorSetValue( int n, int dir1, int sp1,  int dir2, int sp2){
 byte comm[] = {01,01,01,0x0b,0x02,0x02,0x0b}; 
 comm[2] = (byte)dir1;
 comm[3] = (byte)sp1;
 comm[5] = (byte)dir2;
 comm[6] = (byte)sp2;
 pRemoteCharacteristic[n][MOTOR_CONT]->writeValue(comm, 7);

//LED Set Value
int LEDSetValue( int n, int LED_R, int LED_G, int LED_B){
 byte comm[] = {03,00,01,01,0,0,0}; 
 comm[4] = (byte)LED_R;
 comm[5] = (byte)LED_G;
 comm[6] = (byte)LED_B;
 pRemoteCharacteristic[n][LIGHT_CONT]->writeValue(comm, 7);

//Sound Set Value
int SoundSetValue( int n, int dur, int nnum, int lud){
 byte comm[] = {03,01,01,0,0,0}; 
 comm[3] = (byte)dur;
 comm[4] = (byte)nnum;
 comm[5] = (byte)lud;
 pRemoteCharacteristic[n][SOUND_CONT]->writeValue(comm, 6);

#define FWD_ID    10
#define REV_ID    48
#define STOP_ID   12
#define LEFT_ID    8
#define RIGHT_ID  46

void event_detect(){
 int n;
 int cube_no = -1;
 int curID = -1;
 int curAng = -1;
 int tg_cube = -1;
 int sp_left = 0;
 int sp_right = 0;

 for( n=0 ;n<NUM_OF_MAX_CUBE; n++){
   // Standerd IDを読み込んだ時の処理
   if( f_get_stndard_ID[n] ){
     if(  StdID[n] != actID[n] ){
       cube_no = n;
       curID = StdID[n];
       actID[n] = StdID[n];
     tg_cube = (n==0) ? 1 : 0 ;
     if( Cube_state[ tg_cube ] == CUBE_FWD ){
       curAng = id_pos_a[n];       
       sp_left  = cube_speed[tg_cube]  + (curAng - 270 )/5;
       sp_right = cube_speed[tg_cube]  - (curAng - 270 )/5;
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube, 1, (byte)sp_left, 1, (byte)sp_right);       
     f_get_stndard_ID[n] = false;      
 if( curID >= 0){
   tg_cube = (cube_no==0) ? 1 : 0 ;
   sp_left = cube_speed[tg_cube];
   sp_right = cube_speed[tg_cube];
   switch( curID ){
     case FWD_ID:
       SoundSetValue( cube_no,30,100,127 );
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube,1,(byte)sp_left, 1, (byte)sp_right); 
       Cube_state[tg_cube] = CUBE_FWD;             
     case REV_ID:
       SoundSetValue( cube_no,30,100,127 );
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube,2,(byte)sp_left, 2, (byte)sp_right); 
       Cube_state[tg_cube] = CUBE_REV;                       
     case STOP_ID:
       SoundSetValue( cube_no,30,100,127 );
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube,2,0, 2, 0);
       Cube_state[tg_cube] = CUBE_STOP;        
     case LEFT_ID:
       SoundSetValue( cube_no,30,100,127 );
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube,2,11, 1,11); 
       Cube_state[tg_cube] = CUBE_CCW; 
     case RIGHT_ID:
       SoundSetValue( cube_no,30,100,127 );
       MotorSetValue( tg_cube,1,11, 2,11); 
       Cube_state[tg_cube] = CUBE_CW;                
