Philosophy of Money

People instinctively know that money is a bad thing.
It's as bad as love being symbolised with a ring.
Money is a curse that enslave humans in this reality.
Money was and is more important for civilization than commodities.

Gold is precious because it always meant "money".
Is a lie that the ancients traded shells and stones with honey.
Humanity began with civilization and money - gold.
Gold attract humans like shit attracts flies
because it was programmed by the lord.

Humans are humans because they have two realities.
Humans are humans because they reversed their priorities.
No other living being will prioritize a false reality.
Other living beings are considered inferior,
but they're not enslaved in a prison called virtual reality.

Truth only exists in present reality.
Lies don't exist in reality because there is not possibility.
People who believe lies mostly live in the virtual reality
because lies are not affected by the law of nature like gravity.

Money is what forces us to rely on virtual reality.
Money is a curse because it's nothing but liability.
Money is a distraction to the pursuit of wisdom.
And money is a lie that promises us freedom.

Reality can't be controlled by our will.
No matter the amount of knowledge or skill.
But it's easy to control virtual reality by ignoring it,
and by believing that all that bullshit doesn't exist.
