[英語日記] 半吉


I made my first visit to shrine, then drew fortune slip and found rare word "half lucky" on it.
What was this? better than "lucky"? worse than "middle lucky?
With the role of "half lucky" was unclear, I was confused that I should get pleased or sad.
I searched about half lucky on the Internet, and found a description of half luchy : "Half lucky means that half of your year is good things and the other is bad things" with an annotation : its role is depend on shrine.
I understood why it is called "half" lucky.
But once looked over the fortune slip, lucky part is rarely found, and almost of the fortune lucky was held by unlucky part.
A poem part in the top part of the fortune slip was that "pulling heavy luggage under the blazing sun". The situation is simply hell.
 Each part also said bad thing, for example, in a part of engagement, "You should not get engaged, it will be irremediable,
I disappointed on new year. But the website also say that "it depends on you whether your new year would decline to lucky or unlucky".
This year is going to be harsh, but I make my new year great by myself.

I went for my first shrine visit of the year and drew a fortune slip that said "Half Luck," an unfamiliar fortune ranking. What does this mean? Is it better than "Good Fortune" or worse than "Moderate Luck"? The positioning of "Half Luck" was unclear, leaving me unsure whether to be happy or sad. Upon researching on the internet, I found that the interpretation of "Half Luck" varies depending on the shrine, but generally, it was explained as, "Half good things, half bad things will happen." Ah, so that's why it's called "Half" luck, and I felt somewhat satisfied with this explanation.

However, when I looked at the content of the fortune slip, there was very little "Good Fortune," and most of it was filled with "Misfortune." The poetic lines written at the top of the slip were something like "pulling a heavy load under the scorching sun." It felt like a description of hell. Each section was filled with negative predictions. For instance, in the "Marriage Proposal" section, it stated, "It will become an irreparable situation, so it's better to stop." I felt down since the New Year had just begun.

However, the website that explained the meaning of "Half Luck" also mentioned, "Whether the year you draw 'Half Luck' tends to good fortune or misfortune depends on the individual's efforts." It looks like it might be a challenging year, but I'm determined to make it a good one through my own efforts.
