[英語日記] origami cup World of Turquoise

お店に置いてある時から包装とかもなくてカップだけだったので、そのときはどこのブランドのものなのか分からなかった。調べてみると、ORIGAMIという名前のメーカーが販売していたWorld of Turquoiseというシリーズの中の一つらしい。

でもこのWorld of Turquoiseというシリーズは、公式のECサイト(https://origami-kai.com)では買えないみたい。ターコイズ色の食器ってあまり見ないからまた販売してほしいな。

I bought a turquoise cup at coffee roaster in Nagoya city. Since the cup was there without any package, I could not find what maker makes the cup. I searched about the cup on the internet, found that the cup was made by "ORIGAMI" and one of the series of "World of Turquoise" . However the World of Turquoise series was not available on the official EC site: https://origami-kai.com. I hope the series can be purchased because turquoise tablewares are rare. 

I bought a turquoise-colored coffee cup from a roastery in Nagoya. When I saw it in the shop, it was just the cup without any packaging, so I didn't know which brand it was at that time. Upon investigation, it seems to be one of the products from the "World of Turquoise" series sold by a manufacturer named ORIGAMI. However, it appears that this "World of Turquoise" series cannot be purchased on their official e-commerce website (https://origami-kai.com). Since turquoise-colored tableware isn't commonly found, I hope they'll sell it again.

CHAT GPTに聞いたら下の回答が返ってきた。
"I bought a turquoise-colored coffee cup from a roastery in Nagoya" implies that the coffee cup originated or was obtained directly from the roastery in Nagoya.

"I bought a turquoise-colored coffee cup at a roastery in Nagoya" suggests that the purchase occurred within the physical location of the roastery in Nagoya.
