

みんなと出会えたきっかけはどの曲? header by ねむ(X ID @nemunemu001200)



Little Creep / Sarah L-ee, Vacon

(verse/Sarah L-ee) Sipping red wine Tired of 'em boring men They all taste like aluminum Next to the next The same routine without the thrill But wait a sec. Who is he? Ahh, my body starts tingling You are "the one" that I've wanted to taste HAHAHAHA Screw me now, Sway with me, Take me out, Let me devour I am gonna lose control Take a teeny step, We've got a ton of time to make this work for me You have no clue Mm I feel dizzy, Sensation, All from my temptations I'm Tricking for the Treat I'mma EAT YOU UP and WON'T STOP TILL YOUR- Oh! I'm good Nothing really, It's true! Don't even think about running 'cause Skibbity Dibbity Bop, Bap It's too late! (hook/Sarah L-ee) Out of my way Got a mission to take Mystery man, Nowhere to hide at Looking at me with your eyes I can see you're grinning facing me Making our attraction go wild Dance with me Now you see what I can see Sticking like bone to the bone Time is ticking by Nobody dares to cut in There's a reason why I'm a little creep (verse/Vacon) 飼い犬みたいに連れ歩く misery 直感が告げる whispery it's the right time to kiss her lips treat you like a VIP her charm borders on wizardry 不幸で煮詰めた蜜が好き you're disgusting! ガラじゃないが I've got a fever 歪なまま搗ち合うも やけにいい音が鳴っちまう 狂気を抑えろ 殺気立つ wild animal 焦れば全部がパーになる 然りげ無く探り合う 炙り出す get ready for the Carnival まるで深淵を覗き込むよう 漸く手繰り寄せた末に vertigo 物憂げな横顔 嘘つきはここだよ 俺は情に絆される愚か者なのかもな 闇を着熟す月のような女 本当は何一つ欠けちゃいないのに you laughin' with a touch of irony (hook/Vacon & Sarah L-ee) Out of my way Got a mission to take Baby bird nowhere to hide at Looking at me with your eyes I can see you're grinning facing me Making our attraction go wild Dance with me Now you see what I can see Sticking like bone to the bone Time is ticking by You've got no choice Can't let go, There's a reason why I'm a little creep (outro/Sarah L-ee) Oh darling, You don't know how much I've wanted you This is all I ever wanted For us, to meet *Gasp* Where' you going? Oh, No! Don't leave already The party has just started Mmm.. You're taking me to your place? Alright


The Gift / Ginryu (feat. でにろう, VACON, 雨天決行, ytr, 抹 a.k.a. ナンブヒトシ)

誰がどう見たって繊細 and I know you think it's a fragile …最早丁重に扱っている場合でもあるまい 実際”単なる偏愛の産物”以外の何でもない 手荒に組み伏せて bestride, gee! haw! 時に whippin' 随分といい声で鳴く こいつは紛れもなく変態 扱き使って satisfied 晒し上げる worldwide 大公開 搾り取ったら用無し んじゃまた今度 バイバイ so I never waste a single drop of it I'm a control freak 挑戦的なお前に そう ノってやった 今や俺はスパルタ調教師 あれ? 満更でもなさそうだ don't worry 説くだけ詮無い事 it's just me, myself and I 気にもしない体裁 laughin' inside "inviolability" 捧ぐ serenade total ナン小節目? ああ 書き足りねえ あ、飽きたりシテ..just kidding! we can benefit from this 奇妙な関係性 きっと噂されてるぜ


junk food Ft. 嘯, VACON

※動画は期間限定の無料公開です※ 公開期間終了後は是非mirrasikk氏のアルバム『生活』(¥500)をお買い求めください! ------------------------ 決めてんだ 俺は Johnsonville みたいにさ short and thick に生きる 一応 理想のシーズニングは chorizo "please take one." ヴェジーでドレスアップとかくだらない 赤い絨毯 引き裂いて身に纏う 黄色い声援 浴びながら kick in the door そのまま collapse on the bun treat me like your loved one 一気に頬張るわ 碌に噛まんわ もぉ~ 慌てなさんな you're gettin' fat around the middle これぞ至高の MOUTHWATERINGIRL アレ? お前も美味しそうじゃん (yeah i'm a fxxxin' vermin, and so what??) 天賦の才 bet you ain't know that like as always いとも簡単に形象化 and let's have some fun (think the battle's half won) ガラクタ character 構うか 道化 演じ得る だけど 愛がなくちゃ アヤフヤ さながら Drunken angel 所詮 可愛気のない chunk of meat 焦げ付く程の火遊び "if it's too hot for you..let it cool."