
Thailand Travel Guide

Thailand, officially the Kingdom of Thailand is a country in Southeast Asia, Asia with coasts on the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. It borders Myanmar (Burma) to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Cambodia to the southeast and Malaysia to the south.With astonishingly great food, a tropical climate, fascinating culture, majestic mountains and great beaches, Thailand is a magnet for travellers around the world, and quite rightly so.

タイ王国 はアンダマン海とタイランド湾に接した東南アジアの国である。西北にミャンマー、東北でラオス、南東にカンボジア、南にマレーシアと国境を接している

Thailand is the country in Southeast Asia most visited by tourists, and for good reason. You can find almost anything here: thick jungle as green as can be, crystal blue waters that feel more like a warm bath than a swim in the ocean, and food that can curl your nose hairs while dancing across your taste buds. Exotic, yet safe; cheap, yet equipped with every modern amenity you need, there is something for every interest and every price bracket, from beach front backpacker bungalows to some of the best luxury hotels in the world. And despite the heavy flow of tourism, Thailand retains its quintessential Thai-ness, with a culture and history all its own and a carefree people famed for their smiles and their fun-seeking sanuk lifestyle. Many travellers come to Thailand and extend their stay well beyond their original plans and others never find a reason to leave. Whatever your cup of tea, they know how to make it in Thailand.

Bangkok — Thailand's bustling, frenetic capital, known among the Thai as Krung Thep
Ayutthaya — a historical city, UNESCO World Heritage Site and old capital of Siam
Chiang Mai — de facto capital of Northern Thailand and the heart of Lanna culture
Chiang Rai — gateway to the Golden Triangle, ethnic minorities and mountain trekking
Chumphon — gateway to the Chumphon Archipelago, Pathio's unspoilt beaches & Ko Tao Island
Kanchanaburi — home of the bridge over the River Kwai and numerous World War II museums
Nakhon Ratchasima — largest city of the Isaan region
Pattaya — one of the main tourist destinations, known for its nightlife
Sukhothai — Thailand's first capital, with amazing ruins still


