
English Teacher: Hello Uta! It's so good to see you. How have you been?

Uta:Hello! It's been a while. I apologize for not joining the English lessons recently. I've been dealing with some health issues, and I didn't have enough energy to participate.

have been -ing 使うのね!
ちょっと調子悪かったんだよね ~のニュアンス

English Teacher: Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that you've been unwell. Your health is the most important thing, so please don't worry about missing the lessons. How have you been feeling lately?

Uta: Thank you for understanding. I've been slowly recovering and taking care of myself. I've been thinking a lot about speaking English, though. I really miss practicing with you.

English Teacher: I'm glad to hear that you're recovering. Don't worry, we can always resume our lessons when you feel ready. Your dedication to practicing English is admirable, and I appreciate your commitment.

resume Vt 中断したことを再び始める SV-ing

Uta: Thank you for your kind words. I truly enjoy our lessons, and I want to continue improving my English skills. I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things soon.


English Teacher: Absolutely, we'll pick up right where we left off. Take your time to regain your strength and let me know when you're ready to resume the lessons. We'll find a suitable schedule that works for you.


Uta: That sounds great. Thank you for being so understanding and supportive. I really appreciate it.

English Teacher: It's my pleasure, Uta.Your progress in English has been remarkable, and I'm here to support you every step of the way. Take care of yourself, and we'll connect again soon.

Uta: Thank you, I will. Looking forward to our next lesson. Take care too!

English Teacher: Thank you, Uta! Take care and stay in touch. See you soon!
