

Make words bold which I impressed with.

Writing Section

Wikipedia or SCP:

Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker.


Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Topic: How to learn foreign language?
Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK Let's get started today's topic is have. to learn foreign language efficiently. Yeah, it's very is very is very difficult. programme because I don't have. I don't have much skills in in any other any any any other foreign country any other foreign languages otherwise Japanese so yeah I'm I'm just learning now Chinese and the English and English is very and I took I took a lot of time to study or to learn to practise you to practise using English from from the from when when I was a junior high school student because the Japanese Japanese schools are harbour have a compulsory education education curriculum to education curriculum of English so yeah, so every Japanese muscle Japanese compulsory forced be forced to to take to take some amount of English education so but yeah but but everyone as but as you know but as you know the the many Japanese cannot cannot speak English cannot cannot listen to music you listen to English or or cannot make conversation with for any other for foreigners from any other countries. So yeah. yeah I know of course on some some of course some Japanese some amount of Japanese. have a very have a very. have a very great brain or have a very great custom. to study to study so yeah some kind of some some amount of a Japanese can can is is able to is able to speak English with something or or or some or some other languages so that yeah yeah so I have AI have aspiration so finally I aspire to get a get a multi ringo skills so I want to I want to master English and Chinese so if that's so if I could if I if I finish if I if I achieved it III more I'm a finer multiringo multilingo so who can speak more than. more than three language so in my case Japanese and Chinese and English so yeah it's very is very I it's very are are sufficient is very useful combination of language I think but learning learning for your language is very challenging task and a very and a need to and a need. a bunch of time to a bunch of time and so and so in the in the time in the in the time of AI emerging emerging AI technology translating translating technology or translating service is very sophisticated and kind of very and is used very various people by by very virus. people so yeah it's not it's not clear it's not stable the. the the necessity the necessity or are demand. of the foreign language foreign language skills. But yeah, it's my dream. It's my hobby. It's a kind of my hobby. So keep my feeling very fun. So enjoying and joining and joining learning it keep enjoy you keep enjoy learning is very is my primary is my primary purpose is my primary purpose in this case. Thank you very much.


OK, let's get started. Today's topic is how to learn foreign languages efficiently. It's very difficult for me because I don't have much skill in any other foreign languages besides Japanese. Currently, I'm learning Chinese and English. I took a lot of time to practice English from when I was in junior high school because Japanese schools have a compulsory English education curriculum.
Despite this, many Japanese people cannot speak or understand English well, and they struggle to have conversations with foreigners. However, there are some Japanese who are excellent at studying and can speak English or other languages fluently.
I aspire to become multilingual. I want to master English and Chinese. If I achieve this, I will be able to speak more than three languages: Japanese, Chinese, and English. This combination of languages is very useful. However, learning a foreign language is challenging and requires a lot of time and effort.
With the emergence of AI and advanced translation technologies, the necessity and demand for foreign language skills may not be as clear or stable. But for me, learning languages is my dream and my hobby. It keeps me feeling happy and engaged. Enjoying the process of learning is my primary purpose. Thank you very much.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK do you hear me so? yeah. Let's talk about today's my feeling. Yeah, my. calendar feeling about. Yeah. it's not bad actually, but but also it's not good. So yeah, because my future is not defined and I don't have a career vision of in the future. So yeah. Anyway, I'm I'm restart. I'm I'm I'm started again. I'm yeah I started again the the daily routines. including including speaking practise practising practising speaking skills or practising. listening or reading the skills yeah both of English and Chinese so yeah and yeah keeping keeping keeping keep doing to keep. doing is is very necessary and it is very important for me I think so yeah I want to do I want to do everyday from now on so OK so yeah. I'm recently I'm I'm very disappointed at me yeah because I don't have it I don't have enough match skills and that I don't have I don't have much greater. brains or something so I I'm very disappointed at me. Yeah so if I. yeah I know I know it's it's it's it's worthless or it's it's not. it's nonsense to think about if situation IF situation because. there is no there's no way to go there situation. for example if you for example if you have a have a bad experiences about about in the past but you can you can not change your past time or memories or memories or your your what you've done what you've done so yeah. so yeah I don't I know it's worthless or I know it's nonsense to to think about parallel. parallel award parallel future parallel or something so bad. Yeah but I but I tend to think about some kind of yes that's kind of if you such kind of that thing now because I I've never studying a lot I've never studying enough for me I think. yeah I. yeah I didn't I have never started look and not much so yeah anyway I want to do everything. I want to do so yeah I don't have much time I don't have yeah there's no enough time. left left my life. so yeah. I don't wanna make. I don't wanna waste my time. I just consume my time to do something I want to do so yeah and. I. anyway just do it just do it is very important just do it is is is a key to my. my own success so. yeah so yeah sometime. sometimes or often often or usually every time everyday I think I think very laziness to do something so I don't I don't I don't want to do I do I don't want to do such a challenging task or challenging problems to tackle to tackle to taco to the challenging problems but I but I but do not. avoid from from that do not do not avoid. avoid that is very important just tackle in front of it in front of it. so yes. OK I swear to II swear to do exercise everyday. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Thank you for listening


OK, do you hear me? Let's talk about how I'm feeling today. My feelings are mixed—it's not bad, but it's also not good. This uncertainty comes from not having a clear vision for my future or career.
Anyway, I'm restarting my daily routines, including practicing speaking, listening, and reading skills in both English and Chinese. Consistency is very important to me, so I want to continue these practices every day from now on.
Recently, I've been feeling disappointed in myself because I don't feel like I have enough skills or a great brain. I know it's pointless to dwell on "what if" scenarios, as we can't change the past. Even if we've had bad experiences, we can't alter our memories or actions.
I realize that thinking about parallel worlds or alternate futures is futile. However, I often find myself thinking about these things because I feel like I've never studied enough. Despite this, I want to make the most of my time and not waste it.
I know that just doing what I want to do is essential. There's not enough time left in my life to waste. The key to my success is to take action and not be lazy. Even though I often feel reluctant to tackle challenging tasks, it's important not to avoid them. Facing them head-on is crucial.
I swear to exercise every day. Thank you very much for listening.
