
令和6年6月5日I&m hungry

Make words bold which I impressed with.

Writing Section

Wikipedia or SCP:

Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker.


Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. So OK that's second the second my speaking section, but this is this section. is about discussion discussion. So I need to set the topic of today for example. which is the which is better choice having a cat or having a dog for example So discussion discussion is that is such kind of practise. So yeah, I think discussion section is. not is not just talk English is not it's not just talking English. I need to think about in English human mind so. II guess it's it's it's useful to to. practise English so that's why I said that discussion section okay. so but yeah so I need so to. be honest it I need to set some some topic but today is I don't feel like I don't feel like doing do discuss II don't really like discussion so. yeah. yeah mmm just. speaking speaking section is. so the important thing in the. in my speaking in my speaking daily routine is just speaking English so so. so whatever topic whatever whatever you want to talk about so. anything is okay everything is okay so. yeah. So yeah so. I don't have I don't have much enough much enough vocabulary when you don't have a thing to talk about so. III often say yeah I often say yeah yes so yeah. I need I think I guess I need to learn about some vocabulary II. I get some vocabulary when you have when you don't have when you don't have. when you don't have nothing to talk nothing to speak. so whatever. So what I want to talk about. I don't have a topic. Ohh. ohh. I didn't started that. Ohh my God. So I don't have the time. I don't have time. Maybe 2 minutes. Nope. One minute. left. Only one minute So so I'm I'm pretty. Yes, you're pretty. Definitely. yeah. This this is very stumbled. Standard application. Ohh of the windows windows. So yeah, I know. I think. every windows have the have this function function. The the. recording recording. Recording ability recording. So press the windows key and HH initiated this function. So in this time this is in this yeah I said English English English more English but every every language you can select so Japanese English Chinese Korean Korean so. time's up. What time is time is over. Time's up over brass not bad to reality over the goals gravity ohh the ghost garbage is so it's so hey Lou if you had one shot. would you would you captain


Alright, this is the second part of my speaking practice. This section focuses on discussion. I need to choose a topic, like for example, which is the better pet: a cat or a dog? The discussion practice involves this kind of exercise.
I believe the discussion section is not just about speaking English; it's about thinking in English. This makes it a useful way to practice the language. However, I need to choose a topic, and today, I don't feel like having a discussion because I don't particularly enjoy it.
For me, the most important aspect of my daily speaking routine is simply speaking English. So, any topic is fine; anything goes. I don't have a vast vocabulary, and sometimes when I don't know what to talk about, I find myself frequently saying "yeah." I think I need to learn more vocabulary for those times when I run out of things to say.
Right now, I don't have a specific topic. Oh, I didn't start the timer! I only have about one minute left now. This is quite confusing.
Regarding the recording functionality on Windows, I believe every version has this feature. You press the Windows key and H to start recording. It's not just limited to English; you can select other languages like Japanese, Chinese, or Korean.
Time's up. I guess that's it for now.

Diary, What I learned today:

Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. All right, let's get started. Today's a discussion at today's speaking. section. Yeah, this section I want to. I want to speak about my. Yeah, it's like diary or my on me. So II want to speak about when I when I learn today or when I feel today. So yeah. Now it's now it's 12:38. So it's almost it's It's near It's almost it's almost at noon so yeah Yeah. Today is not so much is not so much past so yeah after. after now from now from after now from now I feel I feel a lot of things or I learned a lot of things but yeah but so but at this point I want to I want to talk about my feelings and my about. my about about what I learned today so far hitherto. so yeah I just. I just learn from the 6 minute English from BBC Radio BBC learning English. Yeah it's quite useful. learning resources of English learning English and 6 minutes 66 mins. are very short time Showtime and I yes OKOK let's go and 6 minutes. to be so short other than NHK English programme. so yeah it's my it's. my it's a kind of disadvantage from of the NHKA learning English is so yeah. so yeah Japanese teachers say his Japanese teacher say say something about about the programme in Japanese is so so yeah it's. I don't know I don't know how to say the the the it's confused so yeah. I'm I'm 10 I tend to confuse the English and Japanese wow it's disgusting. disgusting but hi I need to I need to finish my routine task OK so this this is the speaking section and it's and it need the about. 5 minutes about 5 minutes and and and and I have also also speaking speaking section one more one more so so another 5 minutes I know 10 minutes yes 10 minutes so so. that doesn't wait for me nothing just waiting for me with dance so yeah I land I learn from the BBC 60 minute English and so. dancing is very useful for your health or your emotion. So yeah so that so and. and sitting down on that chair is is very bad for your health so so that so for now I learned about. yeah taking this taking some risk is very is very necessary and very is very important. you know you got it so so that. so that yeah so taking some. taking some rest about 3 or 5 minutes every 30 minutes of tasking or doing task and and while while taking taking a rest you shoot dance you should dance so dance is is not so such kind of are. so you are you and me are not a professional dancer so so take it take it easy just dance just move your move your arm move your length or move your body with with with music you like it so just play the music on Youtube or some kind of services and move. the movie and move your body just. move your body is very useful. Yes.


Alright, let's get started. Today is a discussion session in our speaking section. In this session, I want to talk about my day, like a diary, and share what I have learned and felt so far.
It's currently 12:38 PM, so it's almost noon. Not much has happened today, but I anticipate experiencing and learning many things as the day progresses. For now, I'll talk about my current feelings and what I have learned so far.
Today, I listened to the "6 Minute English" program from BBC Learning English. It's a very useful resource for learning English. The six-minute segments are short and manageable, unlike the NHK English programs. One downside of NHK's program is that Japanese teachers often explain things in Japanese, which can be confusing. I sometimes mix up English and Japanese, which is frustrating, but I need to finish my routine tasks.
This speaking section should take about five minutes, and I have another speaking section to complete, making it a total of ten minutes. I learned from BBC's "6 Minute English" that dancing is very beneficial for your health and emotions. Sitting for long periods is bad for your health, so it's important to take breaks.
I learned that taking short breaks of three to five minutes every 30 minutes is necessary. During these breaks, you should dance. You don't have to be a professional dancer; just move your arms, legs, or body to the music you enjoy. Play some music on YouTube or another service and move your body. This simple activity is very useful for your overall well-being.
