

Make words bold which I impressed with.

Writing Section

Wikipedia or SCP:

Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker.


Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK do you hear me OK today I want to start let’s get started tomorrow Friday routine task of increased speaking of skills are practicing her skills so I try to talk about my the first I want to talk about my feelings not right now, so OK from today from yesterday from yesterday I I’m losing my energy to do something I want to do because I have a lack of lack of replies or I have never been. I’ve never been done anything for now. I have very a lot of times spots I spent I wasted and waste them and I don’t and I don’t do that and I didn’t anything interesting I didn’t do anything fantastic yeah, I sold one day and one day in the past. One day in the past I thought I saw that I guess I want to do everything I want and I do I do very fantastic things or I I I want to get our fantastic experiences. Wonderful experiences around the world so I don’t stay I don’t stay one place so anyone anyone can stop me. Anyone can’t stop me. Anyone cannot stop me however right now. Yeah it’s not. It’s not the one I wanted I wanted I want it to be. to be honest, I don’t have a inoperability to do something or I don’t have enough ability, and I don’t have enough energy to to to do some action to do some actions or to do some to do something to other people or women and men and women and whatever so yeah I hate they striation. I hate me right now. I hate this situation so I don’t have I don’t have. so I’m losing I’m losing confidence I’m not I’m losing confidence, so what can I do? What should I what should I do for now? What should I do from now? I don’t know I don’t know anything I don’t know so I will bury his suffering from that, I’m very suffering from that I don’t have a nice enough time don’t don’t be overtaken don’t Don’t look behind just tackle just tackle just tackle just go just do it


Okay, can you hear me? Today I want to start by discussing my routine task for improving my speaking skills. Let’s get started.
First, I want to talk about my feelings. Recently, I’ve been losing the energy to do the things I want because I lack motivation and haven’t achieved much. I have wasted a lot of time and haven’t done anything interesting or fantastic.
There was a time in the past when I thought I wanted to do everything, have fantastic experiences, and travel the world. I didn't want to stay in one place, and I believed no one could stop me. However, right now**, things are not as I wanted them to be**.
To be honest, I don’t have enough ability or energy to take action or to do something meaningful for others. I hate this situation and I hate myself for it. I’m losing confidence and don’t know what to do.
I’m suffering from this lack of direction and motivation. But I need to stop looking back, tackle my challenges head-on, and just do it.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK everyone knows everyone knows of course I know I’m not I’m not any specialist for for for some feels sore I don’t have much abilities I don’t have much knowledge and skills so yeah that does because that’s because I don’t know I don’t do anything interesting I didn’t do I don’t do any interest in so it’s my it’s my fault it’s all my fault dead dead dead so if I find if I don’t find that reason make that reason into very simplify simplify division simplified version just because I do nothing I do nothing action I didn’t I do not take any action so sore from now I want to do everything at once just everything I have a Nager know how much energy to do something bad time but I just do it just do it it’s my essay saying from the other night saying from the Nike shoes brand new Nike just do it it’s my words so now this is it this is my wireless so so so now very strong stream of API around the world so a lot of a lot of genius people are no I don’t and now delving into their I I Way I business is a I artificial intelligence you are so it’s up to him artificial intelligence boo boom OK I have a have nothing to talk about I’m very I am very downstairs person I don’t have I’m not so funny I’m not a Donnie Moore I’m not nine times interesting interesting man interesting person so I don’t know I don’t enjoy and my life now I don’t entertain are you I guess I don’t entertain me know when nobody it’s a very bad you know i’m not a very happy I feel very bad even it’s own even though I I was born in there very very reach or are very abandoned it’s also it’s also mentally mentally or physically I don’t take any advantage shoes from from my from my situation and my life of my life


Okay, everyone knows that I’m not a specialist in any particular field. I don’t have much ability, knowledge, or skills. I don’t do anything interesting, and that’s my fault. It’s all my fault. If I simplify the reason, it’s just because I don’t take any action. From now on, I want to do everything at once. I may not have much energy or time, but I just need to do it. It’s like the Nike slogan, “Just Do It.”
There’s a strong wave of AI development around the world, with many geniuses delving into artificial intelligence. However, I don’t have much to talk about. I’m not a funny or interesting person, so I don’t find joy in my life, nor do I entertain others. It makes me feel bad, even though I was born into a privileged life. I don’t take any advantage of my situation, either mentally or physically.
