
(Vol. 24) Yota's eyes on Fintech in Japan - In what cases Kotora can be used?(ことらが使われるケースとは?)


In this blog post series, I plan to share the latest news in the Fintech industry in Japan with my thoughts as frequently as possible. Furthermore, to learn more about English and to study TOEIC, I will add my English translation as well.

Today's News


In the previous entry, I mentioned that I was disappointed by the banking/Fintech service called Kotora, which is newly announced by major banks in Japan. How the service will grow depends on how Kotora will open and consider the needs of non-bank FinTech operators like PayPay, rather than closing the service within the existing banks. The article below also talks about the nuance around it. 

(前回記事)(Previous entry)

In the article, the fund flow is displayed.

  1. Sender makes a bank transfer instruction via App. 

  2. Sender's bank uses Kotora.

  3. Receiver's bank receives funds via Kotora.

  4. Receiver gets it on his/her bank account.

In the article, the following points are also mentioned. 


*At the beginning, Kotora will support 20 banks. (40 banks will join)
*When it comes to a "big" app, the banking app provided by Mitsui Sumitomo Bank will support Kotora by the end of March 2023. 
*Kotora is considered a way to lower the costs to manage ATMs and others associated with cash: currently expected 2.8 trillion yen per yer. 
*That said, wallet operators like PayPay may not be interested. 

Yota's Thoughts(ようたの感想)


Let's dive deep on why Fund Transfer Business Operator like PayPay may not be interested in Kotora. 


What the Wallet operators like PayPay want to do is to support the seamless (and cheaper) customer experience in inbound cash flow to their economy. 

利用されるケース1 - 消費者の銀行口座からことらを経由してPayPayなどのウォレット口座へ無料で振込ができるケース

Use Case1 - Consumers can make a top up to a wallet of PayPay etc. through Kotora network for free of charge. 


Currently, almost all people in Japan have a bank account, to which salary and payroll of part time job are paid. If you assume that consumers make a top up from a bank account to PayPay's wallet, consumers need to bear a bank transfer fee. If Kotora supports and lowers the fees for the use case, it is beneficial for PayPay and its wallet users.  

利用されるケース2 - PayPayなどのウォレット口座からことらを使って自分や友達の銀行口座へ振り込むケース

Use Case2 - Consumers can make a bank transfer from a wallet of PayPay etc. through Kotora network to their own or friends' bank account for free of charge. 


Outbound fund flow by using Kotora - PayPay pays out fund to their users' wallets - may be a way to lower the fees for PayPay but from a PayPay's perspective, it will also be a disadvantage because it may foster the outbound flow from their economy.


Whether these use cases will be popular or considered effective depends on how many banks or how many wallets will join the Kotora network. 

次回のエントリーでは、J Coin Payの事例を用いて、より具体的にユースケースを考えてみます。

In the next entry, let me dive deep on the J Coin Pay's case as a concrete example. 

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