
Day255.【Pi】Camera module

Camera module V2を使ってみます。


>raspistill -o test.jpg


user@RPI4:~/Pictures $ raspistill -v -o test4.jpg"

スクリーンショット 2020-02-23 8.40.25

raspistill" Camera App (commit 06bc6daa0213 Tainted)
Camera Name imx219
Width 3280, Height 2464, filename test4.jpg
Using camera 0, sensor mode 0
GPS output Disabled
Quality 85, Raw no
Thumbnail enabled Yes, width 64, height 48, quality 35
Time delay 5000, Timelapse 0
Link to latest frame enabled no
Full resolution preview No
Capture method : Single capture
Preview Yes, Full screen Yes
Preview window 0,0,1024,768
Opacity 255
Sharpness 0, Contrast 0, Brightness 50
Saturation 0, ISO 0, Video Stabilisation No, Exposure compensation 0
Exposure Mode 'auto', AWB Mode 'auto', Image Effect 'none'
Flicker Avoid Mode 'off'
Metering Mode 'average', Colour Effect Enabled No with U = 128, V = 128
Rotation 0, hflip No, vflip No
ROI x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000
Camera component done
Encoder component done
Starting component connection stage
Connecting camera preview port to video render.
Connecting camera stills port to encoder input port
Opening output file test4.jpg
Enabling encoder output port
Starting capture -1
Finished capture -1
Closing down
Close down completed, all components disconnected, disabled and destroyed


>raspistill -?
