【GPD Pocket 3】 Fix rotation of touch-screen coordinates after installing GPD-provided Firmware on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (NOT Ubuntu Mate)

-touch input is rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise after installation of the firmware https://www.gpd.hk/gpdpocket3firmware ("Linux Firmware" Ubuntu MATE for GPD Pocket 3 (1195G7))
-Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (NOT Ubuntu Mate)

open umpc-ubuntu/data/99-gpd-pocket3-touch.rules
change both "0 1 0 -1 0 1" to "1 0 0 0 1 0"
save the file and follow the instruction again

If same issue happens in other devices, search for 99-"device"-touch.rules and change the matrix. This site tells you how the matrix affect the rotation.

There were already similar solutions issued on github, but it was meant to be done using xinput with another source, which was in my case not possible with Wayland since
-xinput commands don't work in Wayland
-screen scrolling is lagging in X11
-configuration change in X11 doesn't affect Wayland (Functioning in X11 ≠ not functioning in Wayland)