
Good morning America!

Good morning to everyone in the United States.
We apparently belong to the losing side.

Gold and platinum have been soaring lately.
Also, many major banks are failing, not only in the U.S. but also in Europe. Japan is the world's largest buyer of U.S. bonds, buying many of them.
It means that if there is an economic collapse in the U.S., the Japanese economy will also collapse.

The U.S. dollar has continued to print astronomical amounts of money, which has driven up the price of many companies' stocks through share buybacks and other means, accelerating a money game in which profit is more profitable than real jobs.

The real economy has further worsened working conditions in the countries that underpin it, and the gap between those who profit from money and those who do not has become even starker.
This is moving in the opposite direction of the number one goal of the SDG's, which is to eradicate poverty.

The U.S. has been acting as the world's police force, profiting from wars and weapons. It has played a central role in the correct answer, including the dollar currency.
In fact, it is no different from Japan, as it is paying up behind the scenes.
Profit from vaccines, profit from wars, profit from oil and gas, create a food crisis, and profit from food products, and those who have a monopoly by money first can do whatever they want.

It seems that this kind of world is finally coming to an end.
BRICS is positioned like our enemy, but they have already started gold-backed settlements.
The dollar, which has been the reserve currency up to now, will also end its current system of central banks due to bank failures and falling stock markets.
In other words, we are on the losing side.

There will be some storms to come.

Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me so far.
And let's work together to rebuild after the storm.

※ ibaraki_nakaiさん、Thanks for the photo!
