10/8の練習 practice log (now bilingual)
Some friends have told me they've been trying to read this log in English, but auto translate doesn't work unless it's on a computer browser. I guess I have to write it manually.
🎷練習ソプラノサックス soprano sax
🎷練習テナーサックス tenor sax
🎷練習バスクラリネット bass clarinet
☆ Standards
16 practiced today (0/602 overdue = 100% within range)
Central Park West
→ God is in the detail. I want to get the heads right so I've been practicing it for a while. The recording has three ins and two out heads. Also, the tune ends after 8 bars of B pedal not 4. Some people end with the pick up phrase, but I think it's too corny.
Round Midnight
→ see below 後述
Cheese Cake
→ The same register works both on tenor and bass clarinet. But, I prefer an octave lower on the bass clarinet. It's darker and I like it.
Valse Hot
→ pickup for bar 9 starts with concert E. It's on the right hand on the tenor and the soprano, but it's on the left hand on the bass clarinet. Still trying to get familiar with it.
Now’s The Time
→ It's super simple, but I tend to get in trouble with the 2nd and 6th of the key. I have to repeateadly tell myself which degree I'm playing.
Speak Low
In Walked Bud
→ see below
I Love You
Stella By Starlight
Mean to me
Limehouse Blues
→ Rather than memorizing the whole changes, I should rehearse in my head where the tune is going. That way, I won't confuse the first ending with the second.
Big Nick
Satin Doll
On the Sunny Side of the Street
☆ Foundation
7alt (#9 b9 #5 3 #4) Round Midnight intro
→ In 12 keys, some keys are easy. The others are very difficult probably because I've never used it in my solos.
In walked Bud A section in 12 keys
→ This is hard especially on bass clarinet in key of D (the first code Bm). Unlike sax, pinky keys next to each other can't be played in succession (no sliding rule). Normally, keys have to be alternated either LRLR or RLRL. Because there's no F# on the right side, it's impossible to play B(right) F#(left) B(right) Bb(left) and F#(right) because F# on the right doesn't exist. Haven't found a solution yet.
バスクラリネットだとDメジャー(Bマイナー)で吹けない問題。サックスと違い隣り合う小指のキーをスライドさせて使うことはできないので、左右左右または右左右左のように運指を交差させるのだが、F#が左側にしかないため最初のフレーズ、B(右) F#(左) B(右) Bb(左)の後でつまずく。解決策はまだ見つかっていない。