
Toast to Life 33 (Things ain't what it used to plan)

On May 12th (Wednesday), I had a regular consultation with MD Ayu Kato of the Gastroenterological Center. At her office, Dr. Kato was glaring at the computer screen with her stern look. "Well, the numbers don't come back." What? "White blood cells. Normally, it returns to about 3,300 as a normal bottom. We had three weeks break, right?" That morning, I took another blood test at the hospital, and she watched the results. Over the screen, the number pointed to 2,200.

Oops. On that day, the anti-cancer medication infusion, Folfox, was to start and continue for 48 hours, for which I, as well as my wife, had arranged in advance our respective schedules in coming several weeks. On top, I had got reservations for MRI (for brain tumors) until August via neurosurgery. 

Dr. Tabei, who is in charge of my brain, conducts monthly MRI examinations, but has changed mine at a pace of once every "three weeks x twice = 6 weeks" in line with the 3-week pace of Folkox infusion, instead of his usual interval of four weeks. Gosh.

When my thoughts was flowing around the point, remembering Dr. Tabei's face, Dr. Kato asked, "would you like to postpone the infusion until next week?" She asked as if she wanted to do so, and the emission of her "air" was unquestionable. I had no choice, and answered, "yes, please".

The following week, on the 19th, I visited Dr. Kato again at the hospital. My white blood cell count was up to 4,300, which was 1,000 above the lower normal limit. The upper limit is still 8,600, and mine was far below from it, though. But, it was better than something. Other numbers, such as platelets (normal value 150,000-350,000, my own 92,000), were still low, which made her a bit concerned, but finally told, "well, let's do it today." (The IV drip at the second time was far more painful than the first one, by the way. It lingered a few more days after the end of the 48 hours.)

Then, what happens to my/ our schedules? Next IV will be on June 9th, and the next one will be June 30th (see below the calendar. The source is here). Gosh (again), in the week of June 7th is my wife on business trip (you will see "出張" in Japanese). 

Wife normally tries not to go out on a business trip during my infusion (medication), but maybe she decided to go after some times of her observation to me enough to believe I would be OK with her out at least a few days. "I can't take this trip, so I have to ask you to do your best during my trip please. I will be back home on the night of the 11th (Friday)." I think it's okay, but I feel very lonely and worried.

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Oh, my, God.

(The photo on the top was taken at the time of admission on April 21. The reason of two devices lined up is that the two different medications are injected at the same time for the first one-two hours, making me stay at the hospital's chemo-room for about three hours before leaving back home. And, the title of No. 33 is drawn on from "Things ain't what it used to be" by Duke Ellington Orchestra. To be continued.)