
A step forward with “TSUKUBA LIVE!”

Hello everyone, my name is Kikuchi Tsuki, a first year Master’s student at the University of Tsukuba. I'm now enrolled at the University of Tsukuba's Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences' Physical Education Degree Program. The department's name is long and difficult to remember, but in short, it's a place to study physical education and sports. Since I enrolled in the graduate program immediately after earning my bachelor's degree from the University of Tsukuba's Physical Education Department, this will be my fifth year studying physical education and sports in Tsukuba.

I have been involved in “TSUKUBA LIVE!” since its very first home game event, and I am now working as the chief of planning and marketing for the home game which will be held on November 23rd. What do I mean by the head of planning and marketing? More specifically, I am in charge of planning and creating the content that will make “TSUKUBA LIVE!” an event everyone will cherish. I evaluate the plans and contents with the production team and the PR team and look for new ways to express the seasonal event's theme and carry out the goal of “TSUKUBA LIVE!”

Meeting with “Tsucreate” staff to discuss about the venue setup/decorations

Talking about the meaning of “Sametetate” 

The theme of this season's “TSUKUBA LIVE!” home game is "Sametetate." This word is inspired by the words "サメテタテ" which translates to "Awaken and Stand" in a verse of the University of Tsukuba's anthem “桐の葉 (paulownia leaves).” Although it was composed more than 100 years ago, the song is still sung in unison by all club members during competitions and games and is a familiar and traditional song for the University of Tsukuba sports. However, in order to express innovation for a new era rather than using the original meaning of the song, we have adopted the katakana spelling of "サメテタテ (sametetate)" as our theme.

Since I cherish the impact and meaning of the word "sametetate," more deeply than the other TL Creators, I would like to talk about this somewhat confusing term.

Everyone has a light which sparks within their heart. Even if the scale is different for each person, I think that there is a desire somewhere deep down in their heart that tries to achieve something, or even if it’s not that big, the desire to make a small change. Nevertheless, they suppress their emotions, because they are afraid of various things, such as failing to achieve the desired results, or things not working out. People sometimes forget that they ever had such a thought because they keep their emotions sealed so tightly. However, when I suddenly feel someone else's spark, the spark in me flickers and I become aware of my existence. And every time I meet someone with a spark a little bigger than mine, the spark inside me grows a little brighter. Somehow, a small spark transfers to the firewood, and a small flame becomes a massive flame that dwells in the heart. This is what is called the "sametetate" moment.

I'm starting to get a little conceptual now, but "sametetate" is so ambiguous, that I believe that it is a concept that may be understood in a number of ways by different people. I don't expect the values of the audience to change completely after the event, but when they leave the gymnasium after “TSUKUBA LIVE!” we hope that we could make their day a little more positive than before.

The audience members enjoying TSUKUBA LIVE! Summer Tuuune!

How I envision TSUKUBA LIVE!’s future 

”TSUKUBA LIVE!” is a great challenge for the University of Tsukuba and for university sports in Japan. Through the culture of home games, which has not yet taken root in Japan, we are trying to enliven the university and the community. At the same time, “TSUKUBA LIVE!” was an opportunity for me to take on new challenges. Whenever we ask a circle (clubs) to perform, or when we implement a project that we have considered on our own, we're very nervous about whether or not we’ll be rejected, or whether or not it’ll be successful. However, the strength I sometimes get after taking such small steps has given me the courage to strive again.

There are still some parts of the TL Creators team that is lacking and insufficient. There are numerous things that need to be done for “TSUKUBA LIVE!” to continue and develop into a model case for other universities. “TSUKUBA LIVE!” cannot be shaped by the TL Creators alone. “TSUKUBA LIVE!” can only be held with the help of the "Necessary" team (referred to as the staff on the day of the event), the players, who are the stars of the home games, the performers who liven up the venue, and the crowd, who enjoy the event. "TSUKUBA LIVE!" will be an event that not only brings a thrill to the audience but also makes it an exciting day for the players. This, in my opinion, is the best method to give our customers a more enjoyable experience. As the person in charge of content development, it's still a trial-and-error process; Nevertheless, I will continue to move forward in the remaining three weeks before the home game event.

Operation at “TSUKUBA LIVE!” Summer Tuuune!
