

What is the difference between the editorial and standard license?
Certain 3D assets are available under only an "editorial" license, which has certain restrictions. In particular, those assets (a) cannot be used for any commercial or promotional use; (b) cannot be used to suggest sponsorship, affiliation, or association with any person, brand, or company; and (c) can be used in only works that comment on or criticize the subject matter of the assets or newsworthy or public interest events associated with them (e.g., news articles, critical reviews, documentaries, etc.). You may edit an asset only if its editorial quality is not altered.
A standard license does not have all of the restrictions that apply to an editorial license, but there are some restrictions detailed below. In both cases, others can do the same, as none of the licenses on the Sketchfab Website are exclusive.


What is forbidden?
You may not use the 3D asset in a way that allows others to use or access the 3D asset as a stand-alone file (for instance, no sub-license or sale by you to others is allowed). For similar reasons, you may not distribute the 3D asset incorporated in a derivative work if the derivative work is too similar to the 3D asset (for instance, you may not print a 3D asset or a slightly modified version of it and sell it).
You may not use the 3D asset in a way that violates anyone’s intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights, trademarks, patents, or rights of publicity), nor may you make a pornographic, defamatory or otherwise unlawful use. Similarly, you may not use the 3D asset for the direct or indirect promotion of alcoholic beverages, tobacco, gambling, weapons or explosives.
And you may not claim you are the creator or copyright holder of a 3D asset you purchased.
For a complete list of your rights and obligations, please read carefully the License Terms.


2.1. Licensor grants to Licensee a nonexclusive, non-sublicensable, nontransferable, worldwide, revocable, paid, Single-Seat license to Reproduce the Licensed Material identified in the Invoice, solely to the extent explicitly stated in this Agreement, and subject to Licensee’s full and complete compliance with this Agreement (including, without limitation, the license conditions set forth in Paragraphs 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 and payment in full of the Invoice) (the “License”).
1.8. "Reproduction" and "Reproduce" mean any form of copying, performance, display, distribution, or publication of the whole or a part of any Licensed Material, via any medium and by whatever means, the distortion, alteration, cropping or manipulation of the whole or any part of the Licensed Material, and the creation of any derivative work from, or that incorporates, the Licensed Material.


2.2. As a condition of your continued rights under the License, you agree not to (a) sublicense, sell, assign or otherwise transfer, or attempt to do so, all or part of your rights under the Agreement; (b) sell, license, distribute or otherwise make available the Licensed Material as a stand-alone file (or group of files) or in a way that allows third parties to use, download, extract or access the Licensed Material as a stand-alone file (or group of files); (c) distribute the Licensee Work if (i) it is so similar to the original Licensed Material incorporated therein that the Licensee Work cannot qualify as an original work of authorship or (ii) the primary value of the Licensed Work lies with the Licensed Material itself; (d) violate any Intellectual Property rights or other applicable regulations, laws or industry codes while exercising your rights hereunder; (e) create pornographic, defamatory or otherwise unlawful material incorporating the Licensed Material, whether directly or in context or juxtaposition with other material or subject matter; (f) directly or indirectly promote alcoholic beverages, tobacco, gambling, weapons or explosives with the Licensed Material; (g) incorporate the Licensed Material into a logo, corporate name, trademark, service mark or other indicia of source; (h) make the Licensed Material available in a manner intended to allow or invite a third party to download, extract, redistribute or access the Licensed Material as a stand-alone file (or group of files); or (i) falsely represent, expressly or impliedly, that you are the original creator of a visual work that derives a substantial part of its artistic components from the Licensed Material.


