#218 アメリカに九九はある?

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS



やまちゃん romantic

🗻Have I ever said that?!
👓I.. hmm..maybe.. I know it’s possible.
🗻I know I’m romantic guy but..
👓I don’t think that’s what she replied. Can you say the word romantic just in a normal? 🗻romantic
👓Bcz she said テンションが上がってる時の..
🗻It’s not like fantastic or like amazing. Romantic? Have I ever..😅
👓I don’t know..maybe..You must’ve..She’s saying you have..
🗻so I’ve got more romantic guy than actually I’m assuming.
👓I don’t think that’s what she implied.
🗻Maybe I am so romantic. That’s a new found.
👓Okay..maybe not..
🗻You didn’t know that? I didn’t know that!
👓All right! New discoveries…いぇーい😂😂
🗻I like that expressions.
🗻It’s quite native, the way recent to someone, you know, saying overly and you react like oh..that’s great.. New surprise, hah? those things..
👓Is that American?? 😂😂 Okay😂

ケビンさん 早口で連呼するI’m gonna

👓I don’t know why you would like that. I don’t get it.


👓So I memorized mine when I was.. there was a little time when I actually went to school in Japan, that's when I learned it. And that stuck with me a lot. That's why I'm still using it. And it's helpful. There acutally isn't any 九九 in the US.
🗻That's why you keep.. memorizing that..
👓Right. Right. So I think what they do in the US is like 2 times 1, 2, 2 times 2, 4. I think that I feel like that's what they do. Bcz I've never.. I may be wrong, there might be something, but I don't.. not that I know of, I've never seen anyone do some memorable magical memorizing shit, calculator, whatever.
🗻So, in the United States, those moth questions like What is the answer 2 times 4 or 7 times 9, is that exsit ?
👓That exsits. Those kind of text exsit.
🗻How do you solve the question?
👓I guess.. you just have to calculate it in your head..
🗻Maybe... 7+7+7+7+7+...
👓Right.. We basically use a calculator anytimes when you get to a higher level, even like middle schools, you start using the calculators. No, actually, I think Elementary school.. when I remember starting using the calculator from like 5th grade.. I think. So.. I may be wrong. There wasn't much time where you had to remember the 九九 during class. I think so.. That's what I remember, let me just quickly search it up.
🗻In France, the situation would be quite similar. Bcz I was in a home stay family and there's a one little kid, one boy who was 7 years old at that moment. He carries always his machine little calculator. So maybe from Elementary, they use those machines.
👓I don’t think there's any 九九 in the US. just memorize it.
🗻So you don't need to memorize those things, right?
👓Actually you don't.
🗻Cuz you have your calculator, just put those numbers and that's all.
👓Right. When you're at a stage where you can't use the calculators yet, and you have to do the 掛け算quiz, you're just going to do it. If you either you memorized it or just gotta like manually add the numbers.. So 九九 is really 便利
🗻So how do American people calculate when they .. 買い物行って、掛け算が必要な時..
👓So they either they just memorize it, they memorize 9 times 5..oh 45 that's what they do or they just pop out the calculator.. it's with thier iphones, just typing it in, that's what they do.
🗻But there's some people who memorize all these simple.
👓Yeah.. I think many people remember the up to like 12 12.. I think they do. But once you get out of the school system, you start forgetting them.
🗻So there's no 九九 but
👓People just memorize it

★ちょっとCHAT GPTに聞いてみると、

In the US, the equivalent of 九九 (kuku) is the multiplication table. Children typically memorize the multiplication table for numbers 1 through 12, often starting around 2nd or 3rd grade. The format is similar, with students learning the products of pairs of numbers from 1×1 up to 12×12. This is a foundational math skill taught to help with more advanced arithmetic and problem-solving later on.

というので、ネット見ると、Multipliation table という画像が色々上がってました。
ケビンくんが、12x12 まで... とちらっと言ってましたが、きっとこのことですね。
