#216 That’s too bad

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS


That’s too badについて


👓I’m glad to pick up this question. That’s too bad, in Japanese, that’s kind of like それはしょうがないね、それはどうしようもないね。(ちょっと…他人事感が若干ある)
So if somebody passes away and they’re very difficult situation, telling them “that’s too bad”, that’s a little…ちょっとそれは…。
🗻If the one is like the one of my best friends..And then you said, what?
👓It feels like you're lacking sympathy, right? So don't use it. I wouldn't go for it. So saying that's too bad, for example, if you were like, それはしょうがないね…に適切なシチュエーション…例えば、appleのセール品買いたかったけど売り切れちゃった。その場合は、That's too bad. That's too bad. You'll get it next time. みたいなね。
🗻So it's quite light.
👓It's lighter. Yeah, it's light. しょうがないね。Yeah. It's very light.
🗻I mean, in Japan, we learn a word, bad, means 悪い、ひどい。And TOO is extremely, or like, とても, 非常に. So it's like, that's too badは、それはとても悪いね、悲しいね。So for Japanese people, it's like, it's difficult to understand that, you know, sense the lightness of that. Maybe so many people could easily use that phrase when they face, you know, the situations.
👓Right. So, right.I'm glad I got to tell you guys.
🗻Wow. So that's something you've been, you know, feeling?
👓Oh, no, no, actually, that's the first time I actually noticed that somebody was using it like this. I'm even more surprised that, you know, you learn like that in Japanese. And yeah, to think that so many people could be using that in a way, that's a little bit, So..
🗻Then you should introduce that phrase, maybe.
👓Right. If somebody if somebody passes away, you could say things like, to the family members, it'd be like,

I'm so sorry to hear that.
I can't even imagine what you're going through. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.
This must be such a difficult transition. You must be going through such a difficult transition.
This must be so difficult for you.

Those are like the spot-on..(?)
🗻So you should say, I'm so sorry.
👓Yeah. Um, yeah, I'm so sorry is, um, you know, if, if you're, if, if it's at the level where somebody passes away, I feel like I'm so sorry is just a little bit light. I feel like you should sympathize at a deeper level than just saying, I'm so sorry.
🗻You just add things.
👓Right. Um, yeah. Right. Right.
🗻Oh, that's maybe really important, you know, Japan, we learned sorry is ごめんなさい, Mainly. So, I'm sorry is kind of saying, it's like apologizing. So when somebody is saying that, you know, I'm facing really difficult moment and there's no reason to apologize to him. So it's maybe…
👓it's hard to connect the words sorry.
🗻..catch the, you know, image of that word.
👓Yeah, right. So, right. Be careful with that. 🗻Yeah. So this episode must be very important.

