#213 カンマは“”の外、中?

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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Where should we put those commas. 
Should I place them after like the outside of those quotes? Strong like a double quote, strong double quotes and comma double quotes start heavy double quotes and comma or like those commas should be inside of those double quotes. 

👓Yeah.. That' so difficult. I'm just going to search it up bcz Pure grammer.
🗻What do you feel first of all.
👓Let me look visually capture it. I think my gut feeling, the comma should be outside the quotations. But I may be wrong.Bcz it alwasy 裏切る my gut feeling😅😅 I alwasy look at "Grammarly. com" Best articles, that's so easy to read. You know "Grammarly", right? 
🗻Yeah.. Grammarly can help you writing on.. 😂
👓Funckingk know that ad !!!  

★何のことを言ってるのかと思ったら!GrammarlyのCMの事ね😂 Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help... みたいなやつ😂

👓Grammarly の記事には載ってないかなぁ... ? First of all, I don't hinkt that you should use quotes for that sentence. I think a single quote would be more appropriate I feel like, bcz quote is if someone said something, that's when you use quotes. That's in an her sentence right there, she's not trying to say...  
🗻The conversation or phrase..
👓Yeah.. it's just emphazising that the words. So I think it's a single quote, she should be using at first. and ... first of all 😅 Ah... (検索中)Let's see what kind of serach we get.  Rules for using single quotation marks...
🗻That's from Grammarly, too? 
👓Yes, this is from grammarly. 
🗻Do they pay for.. so many amout of money to google to make that article up?
👓 I don't know.. maybe.. or people are just clicking on them, and that's how it got.. This is popular maybe.  
 "Commas are always placed inside quotation marks, whether the marks are dobule or single" SO YOU GOT TO PUT THEM INSIDE, Damn! I DIDN'T NOT THAT! 
🗻So you were right, your gut feeling is wrong.. 😅😅
👓Yes😂😂😂😂 That's correct. 
🗻So officially.. grammarly..
👓Grammarly told us they gotta put them inside.
🗻That's the correct as the grammarly correct..

★私、ゼロ知識だったので、CHAT GPTにまとめてもらいました。

英語での引用符(quotation marks)の使い方は、主に次の2種類があります。



引用: 他の人の言葉や文章を引用する場合。
例: She said, "I'll be there at 7 PM."
タイトル: 書籍、映画、歌などのタイトル。
例: Have you read "To Kill a Mockingbird"?
強調: 特定の単語やフレーズを強調する場合。
例: The term "global warming" is often misunderstood.
皮肉: 言葉の意味を反対に捉える場合。
例: He is a "genius" at causing trouble.


引用内の引用: ダブルクォーテーションの中にさらに引用がある場合。
例: "Did she really say, 'I don't care'?" he asked.
言葉の意味や定義: 特定の単語の意味や定義を説明する場合。
例: The word 'quixotic' means extremely idealistic.


He said, "I saw the movie 'Inception' last night."
He said, 'I saw the movie "Inception" last night.'



例: She said, "Let's go to the park," and then they left.
例: He read the article titled "The Future of AI."

例: She said, ‘Let’s go to the park’, and then they left.
例: He read the article titled ‘The Future of AI’.

例: He said, ‘I will see you later.’

アメリカ英語: カンマやピリオドは引用符の内側。
イギリス英語: カンマやピリオドは文脈に応じて内側または外側。
