#40 muffin top

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus」


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS

今日はケビンくんからのone word challenge.

『muffin top』

👓 I think I’ve already explained this to you. I’ve already used it in the past our podcast. But let me.. I wanted to explain the meaning  of this word again. Bcz I’m using it so much. And I’m, myself, actually having trouble with one.

さて、muffin topとは。

👓 So muffin top. Imagine a muffin for me. Got it? American muffin. And then muffin, you know how they have the little zigzaggy little paper? What do you call those? Paper holders and stuff, whatever that is, right? And on top of it, the bread, the muffin just bulges out. Right? That itself, that looks like a fatty, fatty stomach.


👓 I’ll be using that word quite often from on. Because I'm on a challenge to get this bad boy away.
🗻 Wow, that's a muffin top.


👓 Definitely a muffin top that needs to go away. 🤣🤣

👓 I have a new question. If you get rid of a muffin top, what do you have? What should we... I don't know. Let's make one up. I'm aiming for what? Not a muffin top, but what?
🗻 What about.. 板チョコ?


👓 I don’t know how you say 板チョコin English. Let me google it..
I got “chocolate bar” as the result. But it’s not exactly the same I feel like. Chocolate bar is more like Snickers…

と横道に逸れつつ、やまちゃんがmuffin topからマッチョになるのはtoo muchかと聞くと、

👓 Maybe that’s too much. Let's take it down a notch.

→ Let's take it down a notch. は、興奮や激しさ、装飾などを抑える…的な意味みたいです。


👓 How about.. “carrot stomach”?
🗻 What?


👓 The reason is.. carrot’s healthy, muffin's unhealthy. You get fat. You eat muffin, you get unhealthy, you get fat. Carrot, very healthy. If you eat carrots, you get healthier and healthier. And you get a carrot top. And a carrot is very straight. just like how your stomach is straight. And not a muffin top.

最終的に、”carrot body”と呼ぶ事になりましたが、その後、2人からほぼ聞いた記憶が有りません😅
