#210 with no vs without

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


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👓Welcome to Kevin's English room Podcast
👓Wow Thank you!! 😆😆Forgot about that 😂😂


With no vs without の違い
ネイティブの方が with no.. を使うのを聞くことがあるが、どちらが自然?

with no doubt vs without doubt
with no effort vs without effort
a kingdom with no king vs a kingdom without a king
a story with no end vs a story without an end

👓The difference between with no and without is that with no feels more stronger. That's it. Kingdom without a king, Kingdom with no king, just it feels like with no king seems more of a stronger message that king is not present. So, that's it. That's acutally the basic difference I feel.
🗻So if you say I did this without effort vs I did with no effort...
👓That means, if you say I did this with no effort, feels more that task was easy for you.
🗻It was just too easy... it's too strong..
👓too talented, too handsome, too goodlooking, too strong..
🗻Oh.. thank you
👓too attractive
🗻thank you.
👓And too fast..and everything..
🗻too delicious..
👓... delicious.. 😅😅😅
🗻Thank you. I appreciate it
👓(?).. eaten by somebody ?
🗻Yes. I can be.
👓You don't mind being eaten ?
🗻I mean I'm good as like a food.
👓Oh.. you're good food as an you yourself as a good entree.
🗻I’m m so talented.
👓You know, you're gonna die from that... you know if somebody eats you, You know you're going to feel pain, you are not going to live anymore, you are going to die, you know that.
🗻I know that..
👓If you know that, them I'm not going to.. it's your life.. You do whatever you want.. I warned you. I warned you.
🗻Thank you.

★ I warned you.は、警告したよ の意味

🗻So anyways.. it's just slight differences.. Basically the same.
👓Yeah, basically the same. It just feels a lot more stronger. That's all.
🗻When you use those two, how do you decide which one to use on the spot.
👓You just use whatever the faster.. whatever that comes faster.. It's true that FOOD, I feel like a lot more .. a lot of people use with no pickles, like with no ketchup, can I have a hamburger with no lettuce.
🗻Not without lettuce
👓That makes sense, too. That makes perfect sense. And ou can say that. You can say that and no one's going to feel weird. Like you'll be Okay with it. But I don't know why but I hear a lot of people saying with no something... That.. I don't know why but it feels natural I guess. I guess it's because everyone's saying it that's the first thing that comes in everybody's mind. Thus everybody's using it no with, I feel lie that's why it's happening. But you don't have to. you can say without.
