#212 thick accent vs strong accent

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


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Today I have a question about "adjective" attached to the word accent.
👓Wait.. Can you say that again ?


An accent could be strong, heavy, thick broad. How do they differ from each other nuance wise.
Are they all neutral ? Could any of them have a humiliating ring and should be avoided ?
Another question popped up while writing this. I placed commas within question marks just out of habit.
But should I place them after like this?

🗻She wrote like this..
👓 Oh, Commas.. right, right, right in this like apostrophe. Yeah. So like apostrophe strong apostrophe heavy apostrophe thick in between where do you put the commas? Like in the in the quotes or outside of the quotes. apostropheじゃないか。 double quotes.

Should I place them after like the outside of those quotes? Strong like a double quote, strong double quotes and comma double quotes start heavy double quotes and comma or like those commas should be inside of those double quotes.

👓Ah, got it, got it. I see, I see.
🗻So the first question. So accent could be strong, heavy, thick, or broad. So do you feel any differences?
👓Thick, heavy, broad, strong accent, thick accent, heavy accent, thick accent, heavy accent... Strong, thick and heavy. They're all the same thing. Broad? Do you say broad accent because I've never heard anyone saying broad accent. Broad って広いって言う意味だよね? That one, right? No?
「Broad accent」は、世界中の多くの英語ネイティブが思う「いわゆるオーストラリア訛り」です。どちらかというと、オーストラリアの田舎の地域で一般的な訛りです。
What?? I didn't know that.


👓A distinction between braod.... let me go on Wikipedia, Okay? the title of the Wikipedia is Broad and gerenal accents. Maybe this is talking about something different than what we just read.


👓The distinction between broad and general accents is a socio-economic-linguistic contrast made between different accents of the same language, typically spoken in a single geographical location and perceived by the language users themselves:
🗻It's like 標準語 in Japan and 関西弁
👓そういうことだ。 Under the meaning,...
A broad accent (sometimes equated with a local or vernacular accent) is popularly perceived as very "strong" or "thick", highly recognizable to a particular population (typically within a particular region), and often linguistically conservative;[1] almost always, it is the accent associated with the traditional speech of the local people or the working class (whether rural or urban) of a given region.
この意味的には、thick とか strong ってことだね。
🗻It doesn't have any differences. It's just strong accent.
👓Right. Versus a general accent.
A general accent (sometimes equated with a standard accent) is perceived as geographically more widespread, not particularized to a certain population or location, sounding more "neutral" or "weak", and historico-linguistically innovative; it is typically associated with the middle class of a given region, a growing process of standardization or supraregionalization that transcends local boundaries, or more "mainstream" speakers.
🗻That's a difficult word
👓That's a very difficult word 😂😂 supraregionalization なんて読むの?I’m gonna get my phone out. I don't have a phone on me! Can you can you can you canyou can you it? 😂😂
🗻Hold on.. my smart phone is very smart phone so.. Supra-Regional. (supɾarexjoˈnal)
👓意味は、relating to, an area, greater than a region... While you look for the pronunciation, so the braod accent meant the same thing as strong, thnk and heavy.And I've never use this broad accent. so just I would go with strong, thick and heavy accent. So there you go... that was the answer. And I just want to listen to the pronounciation last. And I think I remember she had a second question, let's do that on the next episode. I just want to listen to the pronunciation really quickly. We can't put on the show bcz it's Youtube.Let me listen to it in my ears. And see if I can get it going.

★このsee if I can get it goingは、Chat GPTによると「それを動かせるか試してみる」 という意味のようです。
Get it going: This means to start something or get it to work.



👓That's so easy.but it sounds like it has an ER-SUPER, but it's actually SAP-ra.
🗻So when you say broad accent, that got some neuance of like working class accent or like some nuance of those..
👓みたいね.. I didn't know that. That's what Wikipedia said. But I don't know how to use it and I've never.. don't use it. Don't fucking bother using it.

★最後のDon't bother using it は、「それを使うのはやめておきなさい」や「わざわざそれを使う必要はない」 という意味。

