#207 tell vs say vs state vs address vs mention vs remark

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


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英語の先生に He said to me より He told me の方が良く使うし自然と言われた。
say と tell の違いは?
また, state, mention, address, remark などの使い分けも知りたい。

🗻Sayやtell は、中学校でならうメジャーな言葉だよね。
👓You can tell the difference..
🗻I mean.. we learn say is 言う、 tell is 伝える
👓Okay.. very similar though, understand the context, It's exactly indentical almost. So the nuance that I feel the difference between She told mad and She seid to me is a...  It's just like what you learn in the Japanese text. So when you say she told me, I get the nuance of like she was actually trying to tell me something. She was actually trying to like... wow.. I.. (?).. So trying to explain to me something, right? She was trying to send me a message is what I feel..
🗻is Tell
👓Uh.. sorry.. told, tell. Versus.. she said to me is like she just verbalized it, that's all. She used her mouth to verbally express something. And I just heard it. It's not talking about.. did I receive a message or anything? Did I feel anything from it ? I get the message of like, she just spoke up. That's it. She just spoke. that's all.
🗻Whatever the message was, even "ah-" can be said..
👓Yeah.. if that was directed at me..
🗻Any noise made by mouth..
👓Right.. So if.. for example She told me to stay quiet. She said to me, stay quiet, the difference between thath is I feel that... when I say, Oh she told me to stay quiet. I got the message that she wants me to stay quiet. I got the 欲 that she wants to me to be quiet. Versus she said to me be quiet, that's like I just.. that's a fact-based. Se said from her mouth, her mouth moved and she verbalized it and said be quiet. Be quiet って言う言葉を発した。is she said to me. So did you get the difference...
🗻Yeah.. I got ..
👓So State, mention, address, remark.. Wow.. how did you collrect all that? So State..
🗻Bcz in JPN, those words can be.. all.. everything can be like 言う
👓OK. Got it. So State.. I think in Japanese 証言 is more nuance, close.
🗻It's like a statement.. like.. official..
👓Right. Cay you say your name vs can you state your name.. the difference between that is like ..can you state your name seems more like ...more official.It feels like it's being recoreded and if feels like it's being used for official document or evidence use and stuffs. So state is more official and like.. document based...  Mention is a さらっと言う、そんなことも言ってたなぁ。みたいな... Like a.. She mentioned her age. She told me her age. So the difference between that is when you say she mentioned her age, it feels like there's your're talking about something else. There's main topic, that's not about her age, as a +α information she said her age. So like..+αで何かを言う時.. さらっと、軽く, 触れる... Address.. is like a... She addressed her opinion, She told me her opinion.. the difference between that is... It feels like it's on the record when you adress something.. it's on the record. Like.. 記録に残るようにしっかり言う is address something..
🗻It doesn't have to be like ..towards the public.. ?
👓It doesn't .. it can be one-on-one. And you can still use address. It feels like.. it just feels like when you say address, it's being listen to, it's being recorded, it's being.. it's going to be what you say will forever be in history, if you address something, then it's now factual that you have said that. It makes a factual. So there are going to be a lot of cases where it's in front of a lot of people, right? Bcz you speak in front of a lot of people, that's when you're making, when it's factual that you have said that in public, right? You're publicizing your statements. And then remark, remark is something like a... I don't use that often. Remark is something like a 思い出す.. .的な感じかな... 違うかな。Let me check...
🗻I thought in Japanese like.. specially mention
👓述べる Ah.. it gave me 述べる。say something as a comment, mention. Regard with attention, notice.. So 思い出す that's I was wrong about that.
   Tom's looking peaky,’ she remarked ·
   He remarked that he had some work to finish"
すごい mention に近いね。very close to mention. I feel like it's interchangeable, like in situations where you can use mention, you can use remark. But I feel like remark is more like written based.. 堅い a little bit. I don't use that often, so..
🗻See there's a word remarkable. It's something you forced to mention it.
👓Right, it's worth mentioning remarkable.
🗻That includes those vibes.
👓It's worth stating, It's worth telling the other person.
🗻It's not simply just said.. you have to.. what a strongly mention..
👓Exactly. I got that . Hope you understood the difference there.

★またまたChat GPT に補足を聞いてみた。

Usage: To give information or an instruction directly to someone.
Example: "She told him the plan for the party."
Explanation: This implies a direct communication where one person is informing another about the plan.

Usage: To utter words or articulate speech, often reporting what was spoken.
Example: "He said the plan for the party was ready."
Explanation: This focuses on the words spoken about the plan, rather than who received the information.

Usage: To briefly refer to or speak about something in passing.
Example: "She mentioned the plan for the party during our conversation."
Explanation: This implies that the plan was briefly brought up without going into much detail.

Usage: To speak to a person or group about a particular topic or issue.
Example: "He addressed the plan for the party in his speech."
Explanation: This suggests a formal or focused discussion about the plan, directed at an audience.

Usage: To make a comment or observation about something.
Example: "She remarked on how detailed the plan for the party was."
Explanation: This indicates an observation or comment made about the plan, often spontaneously.
