#204 英語で「ストイック」は全然違う

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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stoic の使い方が日本と海外では全然違う?

👓True. カタナカ word ストイック is I think it's 和製英語。 How did she spell it?
🗻S-t-o-i-c stoick
👓I've never use this word in English. I don't even know if it exists.
🗻In English ?
👓Yeah.. Let me see, let me serach it on..
🗻In Japanese, カタナカのストイック、It's like a someone keep up every day really hard, forcusing on one thing, それを彼はストイックな人だね means you're just working hard every every day.
👓Right. So I got the definition here.
  1) a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining.  
   Well, that seems kind of similar
  2) a member of the ancient philosophical school of Stoicism.
🗻Ah.. ストア派
👓Did you learn that ?
🗻I learned that. ストア哲学..
👓Okay, that's the two meaning it has. But the first one, I guess was kind of close. "a person who can endure pain" That's a little bit different, right? This definition feels like, you know, if you say in Japanese あの人ストイックだよね、like that person wants to do it, like he's willing to do it.  
🗻That's his passion. He wants to do that.
👓Right. But I feel like with this definition, I don't get the feeling of like that person wants to do it, it's just you can endure, withstand that pain, whether he likes it or not. So..
🗻It's kind of closer, but actually different.  
👓And I've never used it. I've never seen anyone use it. I don't know how much how common. This is a definition from another website.
determined not to complain or show your feelings, especially when something bad happens to you:
🗻So it's a little different then.. actually.
👓Ture. It's a little different from the Japanese ...
🗻It's just patience..
👓Yeah.. tough guy. Example sentence,
   "We knew she must be in pain, despite her stoic attitude."
  "He showed a stoic resignation towards his fate."
  "Local people were stoical about the damage caused by the hurricane."


👓Okay.. I get the vibe. That's a little difference, you know.
🗻When you say ストイック in Japanese, that has a meening of like positive vibe, like he or she is stepping forward for the dreams or pursuing that passions and things. But..
👓You're bringing the negative to a ZERO, Whereas Japanese, it's bringing into a plus. That's a little different I learned a new word in English.
