#206 You’llやjewelryの発音

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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willの発音 文の途中や、You’ll やThey’ll など
already, jewelry など

👓 Wait, do you feel shaking?
🗻What? No.
👓Do you feel it shake?
🗻No. No?
👓Really? No? Wait, oh wait, I think it's just my hand. Look at my left hand. It's shaking. Wait!
👓Look at my left hand, Yamachan! Look, do you see it shaking? It's shaking.
🗻Oh, your left.…
👓Why is my left hand shaking?
🗻Look at the arms, like…It's shaking.
👓I know! it's shaking. Why? Why? I don't know. I'm not doing anything.
🗻That's hurt?
👓It's gone. Oh, no, it's not. Wait, wait, wait, look at that. Oh my God, why is it shaking? 🗻It's like a….
👓Wow. If I hold this table, it starts shaking.
I feel like, I think it's the angle of my arm. How I pressure it gets it going. Oh, it's doing it. Wow.
🗻It's just like the muscle problems?
👓I feel like it's the muscle problem. I don't want to believe, I don't want to believe that it's a ghost, but I don't, I think it's a muscle problem.
🗻I mean, you see, there are some times that if you got like the brain problems, like on your right side brain, then you'll have like left side, those, you know, shaking things.
👓Oh, no, I don't think I have a brain problem. No, I don't think so.
🗻Just you holding…using muscles and then…
👓I guess my muscles just tired again.
🗻Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay.
👓Hopefully. All right, excuse me, excuse me for that. Sorry to interrupt.

👓Let’s start with You’ll or They’ll, We’ll.. how to pronounce We’ll..
And YOU apostrophe You’ll..
🗻I guess the same thing.
👓same thing. You don't necessarily have to Touch the 歯茎 with a tip of your tongue, I can pronounce you’ll without doing that. I don't think it's 100% necessary. But do it if it helps you'll.
🗻舌はgo upward?
👓I would say backwards to the back of my mouth.
🗻so the tip of tongue doesn't necessarily touch…
👓 Not necessarily you can it can but not necessarily. And then they'll…So this one doesn't touch the 歯茎 but it does go up a little bit.It stops right before it touches it.
🗻Looks like Your tongue goes like really backwards when you pronounce re sound..
👓Yes, you’re right.

★re sound? They’ll と言ってると思ってので、どこにreがあるのだ?(よって上記あいまいです…」

🗻then to pronounce ll sound..To pronounce it a sound the tongue goes just a little bit like front. Backward and Go front right, right? 👓Yeah, that is what I'm doing. and then…already…So you don't really have to try to pronounce the L then the R really fast.
I feel like you can just slow down a little bit right after the L. A lot of people, what they try to do is they try to combine the L and the R and already, like already, then it gets really difficult for them. But I feel like you can just do all, just put like a little stop inside your heart. All ready. It's a, you can think of it separately, already. Same thing as jewelry 🗻so it's not like ジュエリー like a ジュウレリー
👓Yeah. It's different from the カタカナpronunciation.
🗻Actually I can relate to this..
👓So when it comes to L and R, just think
of it as a separate pronunciation. Stop after L, I think that helps.
