#205 Nice try

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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アメリカのドラマによく出てくる”Nice Try". その時の翻訳は 「教えないよ」みたいなのをよく見るがぴんとこない。

👓Right.. See, that's the difficult part about learning English through subtitles. Bcz it's translated not directly, but like it's more conversational translatation.
🗻Yeah.. sitaution base.
👓So I’m assuming that the situation was like I have a secret. And I'm not telling, let's say Yamachan what's secreat, right?
🗻I want to try to reveal the secret.
👓Right. I'm like.. Yamachan.. I bought somthing.. but I can't tell you.It's a secret, not tellng anybody until the 25th.
🗻Wow.. what's that ?
👓I can't tell you.
🗻How much was that?
👓Ah Nice try! I can't tell you. Like.. something like that. So in that context, it would be translated into 教えないよ。So Nice try would mean actually try to translate it. Um.. How would you translate it. 試みはいいじゃん!試みは評価するよ。いい試みだったね。 It's not limited to secrets. It could be anything. Nice try.. if you're trying to do something, that's when nice try is appropriate. It's never just secret. It's like if you're trying to.. If you're doing baseball and you swung the bat and you didn't hit it. Your coach could say "Nice try, though." You try to hit the ball but you couldn't. It was a nice try. You try to beat the world record for a 100 meters, right? You ran really fast, but you can't make it. but it was a nice try, you say nice try.
🗻So nice try includes some.. the result that Try wasn't successful.
👓That's true.
🗻So that's why you use that phrase as 教えないよ, in that context. Okay, I accept the try but you didn't make it, sorry.. kind of..
🗻But that's the difficult expression, you know, when you only see the subtitle and try to understand the things..
👓Right. So fo me, I would translate it as  like "ナイスな試みだったよ”😂😂😂 That's how I would translate.
🗻Yeah.. that's a difficult one.
👓And there's a lot of those... I feel there's a lot.
🗻It's not only the revealing the secret, also.. if you are like.. beautiful lady who acutually has a boyfriend or fiance. I'm just a boy who love you and just try to...
👓Right, hit on the girl
🗻その女性が Nice try but I have a finace , So.. という事もあるよね。
👓Right. You can say that. "You're cute. I love you but nice try." Hope you got the word.  
