#217 Royally F**kedとは

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS

👓For this episode, I actually have a question myself.
🗻Is that question to yourself?
👓I guess, or if you know
🗻OK, OK. I mean, if that's a question from you and from to yourself, who is, you know the best English speaker in this room, then, I mean, maybe I can’t solve the problem
👓We'll see, we'll see.
🗻Yeah, OK, OK.
👓In a lot of movie films, I recently started catching these phrase, not phrase, but like way of expressing themselves of, you know, when you're in a situation that you can't get out, you're doomed, you say, oh, I'm fucked.
I can't do anything about this. I'm fucked. Right. Yeah.
🗻Really bad situation.
👓Exactly. Uh. もうどうしようもない状況に陥った時、You say I'm fucked.Have you…I have and I've recently been hearing this. They say royally fucked. Like we're fucked. We're royally fucked. Royally R O Y A L L Y.
👓Like royal, you know, the royal family.
👓That were that royal royally fucked. Never heard of it?
🗻Never heard of that.
👓I've been hearing it and several different and I don't know what it means, so I let's look it up online.
🗻Oh, great, great. Oh, what's that royally fucked?
👓Yeah, to me, it sounds like it's just an, you know, exaggerated version of saying, adding the right, the the extreme intensity of the meaning.
🗻Yeah. Maybe it's like holy…
👓Like, right. Shit versus holy shit.
🗻Yeah, maybe. Wow.
👓All right. So slang define. org
🗻What kind of site is that?
👓Slang defined .org tells me, royally fucked means...
🗻That's one of our best recommendations when you're studying this thing.


👓To be more than fucked. The situation is well beyond the definition of fucked. 🤣🤣
🗻That's funny.
👓When you are in a position that no matter what happens at this point, there will be no positive outcome. So it's... I guess it's an exaggerated version of fucked. Example. He cheated on his wife with his secretary and they both found out and so did his boss. He is royally fucked now.  Yeah yeah I get it yeah yeah right right So I guess that's the same meaning with fucked
🗻yeah by not(?) extreme..
👓extreme version,there's absolutely absolutely no way of getting out of the situation.
🗻Wow, I didn't know that yeah I'm gonna you know pay attention all that you know movies tried to find that line.
👓this site's kind of interesting you know.
🗻what's the site name again?
👓slang define. org, it's .org yeah that's that's the interesting part I thought .orgs was just for government sites
🗻yeah yeah that must be some kind of organization
👓yeah true true like a ちゃんとしてる 
that's my image of .orgs very ちゃんとしてる山government is .gov so it's not governmental but at least it's kind of organization you know you search all the information and make it into one dictionary 👓the home page says SlangDefine.org is a dictionary of English Slang. Here you can find a large collection of English Slang Words, expressions and phrases with their meanings and definitions, audio pronunciations and sentence examples.
The soul purpose of this site is to educate and enlarge ones vocabulary. Many of the words and phrases may and will sound vulgar, that is why we urge you to use them carefully, at appropriate time and place. Do not use them if you don't understand the meaning.めっちゃちゃんとしてる
🗻yeah I thought it's kind of comedies or like funny trap site, playing site but it's actually educational really great site.
👓educational yeah I thought it was like an urban dictionary where people just ふざける🗻yeah yeah yeah I agree with that and the statement you shouldn't use those you know was unless you really deeply understand that meaning cuz that's important. That’s good for you too.
👓yeah it's good for me too yeah I do want to keep up with all the slangs.
🗻so this site content many like recent slangs too right ?
👓yeah it has um top 100 slang words
🗻What’s the top one?
👓uncle facker😅😅that’s No.1. That means funny as fuck song by terrence and phillip. I guess it comes from a song. Another definition is A fuck-ass fuckin' funny song that was sung by Terrence and Phillip in the movie Terrence and Phillip Asses of Fire that was shown in the movie South Park. Oh it was in the South Park!
🗻what’s that?
👓You know a Family Guy? It’s like that. It’s a dark humor, dark and animated movie or film.
🗻So maybe this is popping right now?
👓I don't know. I don't know how popular it is. It might not. But that's what the site, at least, says and claims.
