#209 spicy=辛い?色々な辛いを表す単語

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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大根おろしの辛いはSpicy なのか?

🗻I guess that’s a really really good question.
👓That’s such a good question. I always had this anger towards the word 辛い bcz expresses so many things!
🗻For example my grandmother, she always told me このお漬物はちょっと辛いからね,that means salty, not spicy.
👓Just say しょっぱいからね🤣🤣right?
🗻I mean that goes 塩っ辛い, then maybe went to 辛い,I guess.. Or わさびも辛い、唐辛子辛い、キムチ辛い..
👓Yeah. You say that,right? So 大根の辛さ、what is that? I’ve never actually felt the 辛いness. I don’t usually eat 大根おろしthat much.
🗻I guess it’s quite similar 生タマネギ辛い
👓Okay..Got it. I would say sharpness.It’s very sharp, and it’s spicy sharp, it stings.
🗻As you didn’t use spicy for describing大根おろし辛い, you have certain impressions of spicy.
👓I do. It’s like a hot pepper, スリラッチャ ソース (Sriracha sauce),キムチ, That’s spicy.
🗻Okay. 唐辛子辛いね。What about コショウ?
👓peppery.😅😅If it’sしょっぱすぎる, it’s salty.
🗻What about インドとかのスパイスカレーは?hotと言うよりスパイシーなやつ。
👓You can say I feel the spice.
🗻You don’t say spicy?
👓And then gets 辛い.. I feel the spices
🗻The word spicy is only for 唐辛子辛い
🗻You don’t say hot.
👓You can say hot.
👓No. you don’t say that. When you say hot, it means it’s either the temperature high or 唐辛子辛いが強すぎる
🗻What about わさび?
👓That’s difficult. Bcz America doesn’t have any of those sensation. I would say stings, sharp.
🗻Oh..you use sharp when you describe those..でも分かるよね。シャープで刺すような…
👓There’s a 記事 of what does わさび taste like? You know I'm sure there's going to be a lot of descriptive words that would describe the feeling of wasabi.



🗻They're the foreigners, non -Japanese people.
👓Yeah, yes, yes. It's signature clean spiciness. 😅
🗻Signature clean spiciness!
👓So it used spiciness. Yeah, clean spiciness, huh? Spiciness, wow.
🗻Signature clean spiciness. Yeah, of course.
👓This is why people sometimes describe the feeling of wasabi. Heat going up their nose. That makes sense.
🗻Yeah. Yeah. It's not only like in your mouth, but also like in your nose, then like in comes head.
👓yeah, yeah. あ、でもThe more fake wasabi burns much hotter and longer because it is made from horseradish and sometimes mustard.
So it used the word hot.
🗻Yeah, okay.
👓I didn't know that, but it used burns and that makes sense. 焼ける感じ。But, you know, it's so vague. So like, blurry. The word to describe this, the wasabi flavor.
🗻For some people, it tastes like spicy, exactly spicy. And at the same time, for some other people, it will taste like, like just maybe sweet.
👓Mm -hmm, right. It's got sweetness, right? I get it.
🗻So it's maybe difficult for, like, people, like, you know, from foreign countries describe that taste. Because we Japanese, we know the taste of wasabi, so it's just, we can tell that.
👓It's the wasabi. Yeah, we can say that.

★chat GPTにも聞いてみました。

1. Spicy:
•Used for foods that have a heat sensation, often due to chili peppers.
• Example: “This curry is very spicy.”
2. Hot:
•Similar to spicy, it indicates a burning sensation in the mouth.
• Example: “The wasabi is really hot.”
3. Pungent:
•Describes a strong, sharp smell or taste, often with a biting quality.
• Example: “Grated daikon radish has a pungent taste.”
4. Peppery:
•Indicates a sharp, spicy taste, similar to black pepper.
• Example: “The salad has a peppery flavor.”
5. Acrid:
•Describes a sharp, bitter taste or smell that is often unpleasant.
• Example: “The smoke had an acrid smell.”
