#211 Pleaseを命令調で使う時

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS


🗻So another question from the one of the greatest student of all time in this whole history.
👓Is that what it says on the DM or are you just.. are you the one naming...
🗻I'm just naming.
👓Okay, I got it. Does that person have a name on it ?
🗻No no ...
👓Oh..anonymous and you just think that this person is the greatest student of all.
🗻Yeah.. I mean..
👓That's for you to decide. That's your freedom.
🗻Me saying that. It's not she's always saying that I am the greatest student.

Please =どうぞ、~してください、などで訳す。


これらは「ください」と言っているが、お願いではないので、Please は不要。でも、つけないとinpoliteに感じるので、Please を付けたくなる。

お菓子を配る時に「どうぞ」の代わりに”Please Pleease ...
質問していいですか? に対して “Yes, Pleaese.”

👓That makes sense. 質問していいですか?Yes, please. That's correct.
🗻But not for the candies.
👓Yeah.. for the candies, don't say that . Please what? right?

👓So, please is suitable when the relationship of you and the other person is you are the rule maker. You have the right answer. You, everything that you say is the correct answer. You're the boss, when that's the relationship, that's when please is suitable. That's why doctors don't say it. Bcz it's suggestion. It's a suggestion that 適度な運動をする。
🗻It's not like order.
👓You can't force him to do it.
🗻... is not like boss.
👓It's only just a recommendation, right? So that's why doctors say, maybe it's a good idea to.... Or you should take this more often... you should get more sleep something like that.  
But ここに名前を書いてください。That is suitable. Please write your name on the paper bcz I am the 監督者. I am the rule maker, right? And everything I say, you have to apply it. 先生が「はい。教室のみんな、Please write your name on the paper」先生が That's the boss, anything that the teacher says, the students have to do.
そこを左に曲がってください。That's only a suggestion. So.. it's not weird if you say please but I wouldn't put please, I would not put please. Bcz that feels like that is the only way to go there. So like.. you don't have to put please bcz it's only a suggestion, right? You're only suggesting the route to that place.
これを使ってください。Please use this. Pls it's good (?), you can use please.
🗻Because even though some people try finding a pen where’s my pen where's my pen...
👓Because this is my pen and I have full control over the pen, right? So I am the boss of the pen and please use this pen I will give full permission for you to use the pen.
🗻Oh that's why it's a little tricky.
👓That's tricky that's true. It does seem like a suggestion,right? I'm just proposing you one idea using my pen.
🗻Yeah cuz you're not my boss like that see that using your pen is not my only choice, right? maybe I could find my pen maybe...
👓 Exactly so a good situation where that would play out is that you're looking for the pen, you're sitting next to me at some classroom right, you look like you're looking for the pen and I just noticed, you don't talk to me, I just noticed on my own that you're looking for the pen, I don't say please use my pen, it's only when you "hey Kevin hey MR. can I borrow your pen, I think I forgot my pen" that's when I go "oh yes please use my pen". You've asked for it ,right? You asked for it and I gave you the permission to. So when you're looking for it and you're not asking for help and when I come in that's more of a suggestion right? That's not a command, it's more of that's why in those situations you don't use please. When you say please in that suggestion it feels like hey I know that you're not I know that you lost your pen, and Here! I know that you're gonna feel helpful if I gave you the pen. So use it, do it !  
🗻Wow, that's still um tricky to me yeah and also most of the people living in Japan. Because it's not you who お願いする. It's like a please to us is like a ~をお願いする phrase. So it's rather like me, お願いする for, you know, having a pen and you are not like お願いするサイド, but giving a pen, right? So it's tricky to me.
👓So please feels like a command. ~してください。
🗻Okay. That's a great point then to understand this concept of please.
👓You can use please in a non 命令 way of like, Can I have this please? Please leave forgive me. That's more like, お願い. That's not a command. That's more of a you're asking for it. お願いします. That's difference.
🗻Oh, that's different. That one like that お願いします please is something..we...
👓more familiar with, right?
👓Right. So There's another one. That's more of a command based way of using it.
