#215 Suckerの発音

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS

👓Welcome to Kevin's English Room Podcast.. You are laughing. what's wrong, man?
🗻No, You just started recording with two devices at the same time, right? So you were pushing two bottons at the same time and try to make it .. at the same time.That was kind of funny to me. I can say that there's nobody else that doing this.😅😅😅
👓I agree. So analog at the same time. It's so weird.
🗻That's how we distribute from Amazon..
👓Exactly.. 😅



sucker と soccer の発音 sucker の方が脱力してるように感じます。

👓脱力はしてない。脱力 isn't the problem here.
🗻I though you were going to speak in Japanese, finally.. 😂😂 
👓So it's not 脱力. It's more like Su は強い。 Sucker は very strong Su, that's all you need. (こっちはサッ みたいな感じ)
🗻What about football ?
👓Soccer (こっちは、サー みたいな感じ)
🗻It's not basically pronounciation matters, but it's about lengh, maybe?
👓That could be it. Soccer.. . Oh I know what you're trying to do. I thought you were going with the... it shoulbe be called.. 
🗻That’s true. You don't have to worry about that, you can just say football.
👓That’s true. I brought up an unnecessary, right. 

★やまちゃんがSoccer を発音すると

👓I'm hearing a lot of 平仮名のさ。 サとオの間のような。サを言ってすぐにオを言う感じ。
🗻Soccer (めちゃくちゃ改善された)
👓There you go. I like it. That's good.
🗻Oh you like me?
👓I like you to begin with but I said that I liked it pronounciation. 
🗻Thank you😅 So Sucker.. it just make it shorter ? 
👓You can't just do it. you can't just think it7s horter. It's different I guess. Suckerは、サとウの間。ちがうな。スッに平仮名のうっぽさ。頭にアクセントが来る。
👓Yeah! That's better. That's so much better. 
👓That’s good!
👓That's good!
👓That’s good!😂😂😂 Yeaha! I think you're getting it.! サとオの間がSuccor, サとウの間に小さいツ、頭にアクセントが来る感じ。
🗻The important thing is you can just say football. 
👓That’s true. It makes sense. 
