#203 short vs brief の違い

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
「Kevin’s English Room podcast Plus


Amazon Musicで英語で雑談!Kevin’s English Room Podcast PLUS

👓So last time.. 😅, we misunderstood a question.

brief と shortの使い方の違い (ブリーフとショーツの違いではない笑)

👓It wasn't an underwear question.
👓A brief meeting or VS short meeting, right? Brief summary and a short summary
🗻So, both has some kind of nuance.. it's like a short, easy..
👓True. so if you say brief meeting, I don't feel that much of a difference. But if you say brief, I get a nuance of .. 要点だけを得たミーティング. 「要点」 that's the key word. I feel the 要点. Just only talk about the most important key points, right? Whereas, a short meeting, if you say that, I get the nuance of like ただただ時間が短い。If you say brief, you're talking about what you're going to talk about. What you're going to talk about are limited to the most important key factors. Whereas, a short meeting is you're only talking about the actual physical time length of the meeting. You're not talking about what to talk about. It's just going to be a time-wise short meeting. Yeah.. I think.. that's...
🗻But um.. short meetings or short explanations will be forced like only speaking about the points, key factors, that's why you feel the same meaning.
👓That's true, you're right. Exactly. So there might be an example usage where it's not interchangeable like a ...
🗻あ、フィギュアスケートのショートプログラム、It's a short program but not brief program.
👓That's true. You're right. You can't use brief program on that one, that doesn't make any sense.
🗻It's just short means, it's just time-wise short..
👓That's true. So in that sense, you could also like we only have a short amount of time, we're running short on time. You can't say we're running brief on time, we can't say we only have a brief amout of time.. So there you go. That's interchangeable. So if you want to use it in a way to only describe the length of time-wise, then all you can only use short. But I feel like in sitaution where you have to use brief, I feel like that's more interchangeable with short. All right!
🗻That was the original question.
👓That' was the actual quesetion. Hopefully that's what she wanted to ask. What a miracle, right? Coincidence, two words interpreting as a passion(?) question.
