#208 come off as vs seem vs appear

Kevin’s English Roomのケビンさんが英語に関する質問にその場で回答してくれるコーナー
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come off as 〜のように見えると同じ意味?

🗻I didn’t know this expression.. came off as like something…
👓Right, that’s how you use. So, for example,  if you go into a meeting with your headphones on, if you go into a business meeting with your headphones on, it would come off as like you're not interested in the meeting. If you go into a date, if you use your smartphone all the time, you're looking down, it would come off as you're not that interested in that date. That's how you can use it. I feel like you use it negatively a lot.
It doesn't have to be, but I feel like it's used as a more negative image. So can you replace it with seems? Yeah, I think you can. So when you're looking at a smartphone during a date, it seems like you're not interested. It's the same meaning. Appear… Appear to be. If you look at your smartphone during a date, it would appear to… I don't know how to use that in a sentence. Appear to be uninterested is maybe how you use it, but not that.
🗻Not natural? We're not familiar with that?👓It would appear to look uninterested. これか。It would appear to look uninterested. だ。Mm hmm. You can. I think you can. Yeah, you can use it, but. I think, I think I, hmm, it's just a little bit unnatural. Like if you want to use appear naturally, I feel, I think like, um. He appears to be tired, he appears to go to the bathroom often, he appears to.. It appears to me as aggressive if you put your middle finger up in front of the body. どういう意味かと言うと... 😅😅 What I mean is.. そういう印象を持つ I think that's a Japanese.
🗻Okay.. So it quite like.. come off as like.. seems..
👓そうだね。come off as like / seem in Japanese like そう見える。 That's a very close nuance, right? That's how much close they are. BUT it's unnatural to use appear 😂😂. So I don't know if I've explained it properly. I probably didn't. But I'm just not that familiar with the word appear, so I'm sorry. this is me with a lack of knowledge
🗻But anyways.. So come off as like can be repaced by seen.
👓That I'm sure. You can replace it with seems.  
🗻And we're not sure about appear.
🗻 It's not that natural, it's not that usual daily expression.
👓Yeah.. (を変な音で..)
🗻WHAT the SOUND does that !? 😂😂 Sounds like my ティファール at my place!
👓Does your ティファール sound like that ??😂😂 All right. Let me google for you. It means 見える、現れる、出る。 Makes sense. So there's this way of saying appears to.. I feel like that's closer.. It appears that .... I feel like that's closer to the topic that we're talking about here.
He appears to be really into politics.
She appears to have been a total liar to me.
あ!わかった。I got it Yamachan!  So seem and appear.. They both have 見る側の印象. そういう風に見える。Whereas, It would come off as.. そういう風に見えちゃう。
🗻So..It's not like opnion or impression. It just naturally goes to be like that..
👓Yeah.. so for exmaple, It would come off as you not being interested.. If Kevin says to Yamachan, Yamachan, if you look at the smartphone during a date, that would come off as you being not seeming not interested in the date, that's saying 彼女に興味がないって思われちゃうよ。思われちゃうよ。But if you seen or appear, 彼女のセリフで、I went on a date with Yamachan the other day it seems like he was not interested in me because he was looking at the smartphone こういう立場になる。その印象を受ける側がseemやappearだな。それを受け取る側でなくて、そう見えちゃうよ!がcome off as ..
🗻It’s like a 大阪のおばちゃんstyle. 😂😂
👓The way I said it was おばちゃん😅 You get what I'm saying right? 自分が印象を持ったではなくてそう言う風に見えちゃうよがcome off as
🗻okay!some brand new knowledge now!

★Chat GPTに補足を求めると

1. Seem:(〜のように見える/思える)
• Indicates a general impression or perception, often based on limited information.
• Example: “Sarah seems tired.”
• (Sarah gives the impression of being tired, perhaps based on her demeanor or behavior.)
2. Appear:(〜のように見える)
• Similar to “seem,” but often more focused on visual or surface impressions.
• Example: “Sarah appears tired.”
• (Sarah looks tired, based on what can be seen or observed.)
3. Come off as:(〜と言う印象を与える)
• Refers to the impression conveyed to others, typically through behavior or actions.
• Example: “Sarah comes off as tired.”
• (The way Sarah behaves or acts makes her seem tired to others.)

