The Art of Reclaiming Wholeness

(This text has been translated from Japanese to English by ChatGPT, so there may be errors. Please be aware of this.")

I want to write about expression. About the expression of art that I engage in every day.

Every expression is an expression of "life." Whether desired or not, it is the expression of the living, not the deceased. Art is filled with various forms of expression, from the gentle to the vibrant and audacious.

However, I am greatly dissatisfied. The muttering of "what is this?" has been increasing year by year. Many artists seem to act as if they will never die. They deliberately ignore their own mortality. But we will all die. You and I. Accepting this fact is not something to be ashamed of or negative about; it is a pure truth.

Even if one understands such things, it might lead to nothing but unpleasant feelings. There might be people who think that way. Certainly, many.

Wait, please listen. Do you imagine that when you die, it's the end, and "death" is "nothingness"? Is that really so? Who started saying such things? Why do you believe that?

What happens when you die? It's simple. You become one of the deceased. What are the deceased? They are the ones who have died before you. You know many of the deceased: family members, elderly neighbors, authors of books you've read, singers, actors, TV personalities... etc.

Did they become "nothing"? If they had become "nothing," we wouldn't be able to hold onto them anymore. However, we remember and cherish the deceased. We look to their way of life as an example.

So, who are the deceased? And at the same time, who are we, the living, who cherish the deceased within ourselves?

Accepting death brings about this profound mystery. The meaning of accepting death lies in opening oneself to this mystery.

But the mystery doesn't stop there. If you think about it, other mysteries keep emerging one after another. Time, mind, love... etc. I hope you will consider them too.

If we were to tentatively call this entire mystery "life," then our "life" is imbued within this "life." Isn't the function of art to reclaim this entirety of "life" that has been lost due to a one-sided understanding of "life"?

By closing ourselves off to a one-sided "life," we may become "sick." Similarly, by suppressing "death," society also becomes "sick."

To remain physically and mentally healthy, I want to express myself as someone who is open to the mysteries and live my life. And I want to encounter many works that embody such a sentiment.














