








このように制作された絵画を田中は「Non-paint painting」と呼んでいる。


最後にルーチョ・フォンタナ(Lucio Fontana, 1899-1968)を思い出したい。彼は画布を自明のものとみなす我々の思考の抽象作用を切り裂いた。「Non-paint painting」はフォンタナが開いたこの亀裂に分け入り、絵画という制度に自己言及することで向こう側から傷を縫合する試みである。


My paintings don't depict images. Why?

Generally, painting involves depicting images on a ground, such as canvas. Throughout the history of painting, attempts have been made to integrate ground and figure, as seen in Color Field Painting. Even today, there's discourse idealizing paintings where ground and figure merge, because they are perpetual concerns in painting.

My interest lies in this ground and figure as well. However, I don't depict images that become figures. The reason is straightforward. The canvas, as the ground, already exists in the world with its own inherent image as a figure. I lack the internal necessity to introduce further figures.

But those who have reasons to depict figures must obscure the inherent existential properties of the ground, which functions as a figure within the world, through underpainting and such. As Heidegger suggests, tools alter their state of existence through their relationship with purposes. Thus, the ground becomes a complete tool through this pre-processing. Then, onto this prepared ground (the manufactured canvas), countless images from around the world are painted daily. Humanity desires an endless painting. More new images, more new images, and so on.

I'm also not exempt from seeking new images. Yet, I don't paint for that reason. Painting would cause the inherent 'figure' quality of the canvas to be lost. I carefully choose various materials for the canvas. Most often, they are not newly produced canvas but pre-used fabric products. Therefore, in my painting process, what to choose as the canvas is crucial, followed by how to stretch it.

I call paintings created in this manner "Non-paint painting."

Canvas originally derived from sailcloth in the 16th century. Did painters of that time roam shipyards searching for suitable sailcloth? Or did they visit merchants who dealt with sailcloth? Regardless, just like in its origin, I select and stretch canvas from this world.

Lastly, let's remember Lucio Fontana. While we take canvas for granted, Fontana tore apart our abstract notion of thought. "Non-paint painting" ventures into this tear he opened and attempts to suture the wound from the other side by self-reflexively engaging with the institution of painting.

